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ADC giving weird Value!!

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ADC giving weird Value!!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:45 pm     Reply with quote

I am using an 18 seris PIC device. I am using it for reading ADC values from a sensor.
It has a 10 bit ADC.
So I implemented:
#device adc=10
right at the top of my code.

Since the default is an 8 bit ADC.

I tried reading the value of the sensor into an int16 or long variable.
When I checked the value I got 7788(hex) as my hex value. This is way� more than even the range of 1023 (dec) or 03FF(hex) that should be coming out of the ADC.
Any ideas why I could be having this problem!!

This is what I am doing:
int16 output;


output = Read_ADC();

The value I should be getting instead of 7788(hex) should be 01FF(hex) as the voltmeter shows the output of the sensor as 2.5 V.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:34 pm     Reply with quote

Notice that the value is close to your desired result if you divide it by 64.
In other words, the 10-bit result is currently left justified in the 16-bit
word and you want it to be right justified. There is a register bit that
controls this in the PIC. See my post in the following thread:

Because you're using an 18F PIC, you will have to change the register
address of the ADFM bit. (The example code is for a 16F series PIC).
Check the data sheet to find the correct register address.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:41 pm     Reply with quote

I am using a PIC18F2520. And I implemented the following code. But it did not make any difference!

#device adc=10
#bit ADFM_BIT = 0xFC0.7
int16 output;



output = Read_ADC();

The value I got for output is 7800(hex), where as I should be getting around 01FF(hex) as the voltmeter shows the output of the sensor as 2.5 V.
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:44 pm     Reply with quote

Compile the code and look at the .LST file. I did that with PCH vs. 3.249
and it's there:

.................... ADFM_BIT = 1; 
002C:  BSF    FC0.7

0xFC0 is the address of the ADCON2 register and the ADFM bit is
in bit 7. The 18F2520 data sheet says:
1 = Right justified

I have a few questions:

1. I never see you set the A/D channel. This is done with:

What channel are you reading ? What pin on the PIC do you
have your analog signal connected to ?

2. What's your crystal frequency ?

3. What's your compiler version ?

4. Is this project being done on an emulator like Proteus or is it
being done on real hardware ?

5. Can you post a complete program ? You may be putting certain
lines of code in the wrong position in the program.
Here's an example of a test program for the A/D converter:
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