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Copy one PIC to another

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Thomas R

Copy one PIC to another
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:20 am     Reply with quote

I am trying to get a PIC18F458 to write to another PIC18F458
What I wanner do is COPY the entire PROG. Mem from one to another
Dos any on the list have any god ideas I was thinking of using the CAN BUS.

If somebody have a piece of code that could be used or ideas
I will remember them in my evening prayer :-)

Best Regards
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 144516421
PCM programmer

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Re: Copy one PIC to another
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:52 pm     Reply with quote

:=I am trying to get a PIC18F458 to write to another PIC18F458
:=What I wanner do is COPY the entire PROG. Mem from one to another
:=Dos any on the list have any god ideas I was thinking of using the CAN BUS.

I'm not quite sure what you want to do.

Do you just want to copy a chip ?
Answer: Put one in a programmer, press the read button,
then put in a blank chip, and press the program button.

Do you want to have one chip (on a circuit board) clone itself
by copying its program to another chip ? Would this 2nd
chip be in a ZIF socket ? Sort of like making your own
programmer, in a way ?
Answer: The 1st chip would use the read_program_memory()
function to read its own flash memory. Then it would write
to the 2nd chip by using the ICSP programming pins on the
2nd chip.

If you want to do this between chips that are not on the
same circuit board, then you would need some interface chips
that can handle the distance. If the bus you pick is just
a "dumb" bus, then you can still use ICSP.

You didn't really explain your overall purpose, so it's tough
to come up with a solution that fits the problem.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 144516540
Thomas R

Re: Copy one PIC to another
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 12:28 am     Reply with quote

Sorry I didn�t explain it very good.
I have 17 boxes all connected whit canbus 1 of them is a main box that is connected to a pc..

What I want to do is

The program In all 17 boxes is the same so I want that the main box to tjek the software rev. of all boxes and if the software rev. in a box is older then the software in the main box it will update the box by copy the enterer program memory over the canbus to the box. By using some sort of a bootloader that will be located somewhere in the top of the memory in the pic18f458.

:=:=I am trying to get a PIC18F458 to write to another PIC18F458
:=:=What I wanner do is COPY the entire PROG. Mem from one to another
:=:=Dos any on the list have any god ideas I was thinking of using the CAN BUS.
:=I'm not quite sure what you want to do.
:=Do you just want to copy a chip ?
:=Answer: Put one in a programmer, press the read button,
:=then put in a blank chip, and press the program button.
:=Do you want to have one chip (on a circuit board) clone itself
:=by copying its program to another chip ? Would this 2nd
:=chip be in a ZIF socket ? Sort of like making your own
:=programmer, in a way ?
:=Answer: The 1st chip would use the read_program_memory()
:=function to read its own flash memory. Then it would write
:=to the 2nd chip by using the ICSP programming pins on the
:=2nd chip.
:=If you want to do this between chips that are not on the
:=same circuit board, then you would need some interface chips
:=that can handle the distance. If the bus you pick is just
:=a "dumb" bus, then you can still use ICSP.
:=You didn't really explain your overall purpose, so it's tough
:=to come up with a solution that fits the problem.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 144516541
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