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EEPROM always getting erased for certain PICs

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EEPROM always getting erased for certain PICs
PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:34 am     Reply with quote

We've been using the Load-n-Go and ICD-U64 for a while with the PIC18LF6720 with no problems.

We recently started using the PIC18F66K80, but the EERPOM is always getting stomped on during programming for this processor.

We use the EEPROM to store unit configuration data and it must be preserved. We use the Load-n-Go to provide an easy means for some customers to upgrade firmware in the field.

I'm using CCSLOAD v5.042, a coworker is running the latest version. We both like the ancient version on the CDROM received with the programs better since it's more informative and provides clearer options.

Data EE is unchecked.
Bulk Erase is unchecked, Erase only blocks in hex file is checked. This setting doesn't persist which is annoying, but likely indicates that this options is not actually working.
Code protection is disabled for all memory areas in the Config bits on the PIC.

This works for the PIC18F6720, but not the PIC18F66K80.

Does the new version of the Load-n-Go operate any differently? We have several of the older model with the internal power select jumper.

If EEPROM can't be preserved using these programmers, I will need to find another programmer that can do this.

Anyone know of another battery powered PIC programmer that doesn't stomp on the EEPROM?

Thank you,
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:24 pm     Reply with quote

Report it to CCS Support. They may be able to fix it for you.
[email protected]

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:15 pm     Reply with quote

I posted the following to the support email address on Monday.


We've been using the Load-n-Go and ICD-U64 for a while with the PIC18LF6720 with no problems.

We recently started using the PIC18F66K80, but the EERPOM is always getting stomped on during programming for this processor.

We use the EEPROM to store unit configuration data and it must be preserved. We use the Load-n-Go to provide an easy means for some customers to upgrade firmware in the field. However, I’ve observed the same issue when using the ICD-U64 from my PC.

I'm using CCSLOAD v5.042, a coworker is running the latest version. We both like the ancient version on the CDROM received with the programmers better since it's more informative and provides clearer options.

Data EE is unchecked.
Bulk Erase is unchecked, ‘Erase only blocks in hex file’ is checked. This setting doesn't persist which is annoying, but likely indicates that this options is not actually working.
Code protection is disabled for all memory areas in the Config bits on the PIC.

This works for the PIC18F6720, but not the PIC18F66K80. One thought is possible differences in how these devices implement bulk or chip erasing.

We have several (~8) of the older Load-n-Go models with the internal power select jumper, but none of the new models. We’ve used them for several years with customers happily updating their units in the field. It’s simple, reliable, and fast.

Can our existing Load-n-Go’s be upgraded to correct this issue?
Does the new version of the Load-n-Go operate any differently relating to bulk erase or area erase?

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

No response as yet. . . .

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:56 pm     Reply with quote

CCS Support responded with the following thoughts and questions:


I will have to research more and get back to you. I believe this chip's erase feature doesn't have a way of preserving the EEPROM, but I thought we added support in the ICD and Load-N-Go to preserve the EEPROM manually. Let me check that it still works, and if there were any limitations on it's use (for example, I am not sure if older Load-N-Go's can support this because they don't have enough memory to hold the EEPROM contents).

In the meantime, can you make sure you are using the latest CCSLOAD software (5.045) and firmware (3.25). You can tell by going to the diagnostic tab of CCSLOAD.

To this I responded with this:

The issue also occurs with the ICD-U64.

I've made sure I'm running the latest version of ccsload.exe and the ICD-U64 and LOAD-n-GO have the latest firmware installed. The Diag tab can be seen in the attached status.png files.

Now, when I'm using the ICD-U64 with 'Erase only blocks in hex file' and Data EE NOT checked, I get the error as shown in the attach screen shot. When I try to program Memory 1 of the LOAD-n-GO and programming I get the same 'No Chip Selected' error as with the ICD-U64.

This error will persist until I restart the app, check Data EE, reselect the Device, save these settings as default and restart the app again. After this I can write to the target, stomping on the EEPROM.

Note that the .hex file does not contain the Target Chip comment line ';PIC18F66K80' at the end of the file as we use the latest MPLAB-X and xc8 compiler from MicroChip.

The message had attached images that showed the versions of software and firmware used and a screen capture of the error message. I don't know how to attach pics to posts.

A couple days later I got an auto-reply saying they haven't had time yet to look into this issue.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:19 am     Reply with quote

Still waiting... No new feedback...

Does the new Load-n-Go have this same issue?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:45 am     Reply with quote

Did you receive an answer?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:05 pm     Reply with quote

Yes, I received a new file for the app to use, devices5.dat. I tested with a U64 and it no longer stomps the EEPROM.

LnG (Load-n-Go) HW rev4 and older needed firmware change to work. The newer (blue) LnG HW rev5 didn't have a fix last I heard.
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