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Help!! Home automation project!

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Help!! Home automation project!
PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:40 pm     Reply with quote

Hi Guys, please I really need directives for a personal home automation project which I intend getting a mobile app developer to develop a customised app to control the connected appliances from anywhere via internet. But I just know embedded c averagely and don't have a clue of the necessary libraries to add to my code or the mobile app to enable the devices communicate with my app. Please I just need a brief guide of how I can go about the project. Thanks

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:12 pm     Reply with quote


I've been working on home automation type projects for more than 20 years, inspired originally by Steve Ciarcia and the 'Circuit Cellar'. My HA system includes a web server that I can access using any browser anywhere I can access the internet. That is the route I'd go, as it requires nothing special on the remote end. This method allows me to control/monitor everything my HA system is connected to!!

BTW, I'm currently at the office, and I just checked the outdoor spa temperature. It's a pleasant 104F Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:25 pm     Reply with quote

Your question about home automation, if I may comment, is quite broad.

There are so many things involved in home automation 'design' such as research, design and testing, assembly, programming and each of these topics also have different parts to them such as protocols, firmware, software, hardware etc.

But... You're also talking about a mobile app and nowhere you mention you will be using a PIC microcontroller... So are you sure you're on the right forum?

Also... regarding what you want to achieve.... If this is for a personal project, then that's quite the task and requires many months of R&D depending on what your end-goal is. But if this is for a business, then you should probably investigate what is available out there.

Have you taken the time to search what is called "the internet"? Just type 'home automation' on Google and you will get more than enough results. Home Depot sells home automation stuff. Amazon, Ebay, you name it.

Anyhow, if it's for fun, although it might be quite the feat, it can also be quite fun and challenging... but you need to do lots of research on your own and that alone will take some time.

Good luck.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:29 am     Reply with quote

@benoitsjean, Thanks for the response. The home automation system involves a PIC microcontroller which controls the appliances. Then the mobile app is used to monitor or give commands to the connected appliances from anywhere via the internet. I've actually done few projects with microcontrollers but this is really confusing me because I know there is something/code/protocols I really need to use to enable proper communication between the mobile app and my device.

I asked the question Here instead of Google since I'll be using PIC microcontroller and this platform has lots of guys good with PIC microcontrollers therefore stand a better chance of advising me.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:42 am     Reply with quote

@ezflyr, Thanks for the response.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:40 am     Reply with quote

one general comment about 'home automation'.
Be sure to design the 'controller' with confirmation or verifcation bits ! This is called 'closed loop'. An 'open loop' is when the remote control says 'turn on the lights' and you assume the lights are on. A 'closed loop' will send back a confirmation the lights ARE actually on. When you setback a million square foot building to 45 at night ,you NEED to KNOW the heaters come on before the owner gets there !BTDT


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:23 pm     Reply with quote

@temtronic, thanks a lot.
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