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Joined: 31 Dec 2005 Posts: 32
Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 10:22 pm |
Thank you for your answer. I already found these websites (and others) talking about the differences between these clones. All of them use Arduino code to talk to them. I use this code with ccs and the most common clone and it works ok. The other ones doesn't seem to work no matter what I change trying to bypass their flaws, so i wanted to know if someone succeeded. |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 5:55 am |
Uau, It is really not good! Some of people that posted here can be using fake nRFs. Some code can not work!
;( _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 31 Dec 2005 Posts: 32
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 6:41 am |
Thanks dmendesf and all of others answers.
It is really good to see it here ;) _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 30 Jul 2007 Posts: 112 Location: Moscow, Russia
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:54 am |
Code: |
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS) { //commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS);//Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER
rv=spi_read2(); //It?s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
} |
rises error "Expression must evaluate to a constant" for commDS |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:52 am |
Probably the problem is the version of the compiler.
The code worked originally in CCS version 4.124 or similar. _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 21 Sep 2012 Posts: 10
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:05 pm |
Can someone help me, I want use pic16F1455.
I have this error
Code: |
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS);//Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER
*** Error 27: Expression must evaluate to a constant
and for other one is:
Code: | TX_BUFFER_FULL =0b00000001 //(R)(0)TX FIFO full flag. 1: TX FIFO full. 0: Available locations in TX FIFO.
*** Error 31: Identifier is already used in this scope
I use ccs 5.061
I change this
Code: | //********** DEFINE PORT NAMES
#define SPI_MISO PIN_C2 //SPI(Usar por hardware quando possivel)
#define SPI_MOSI PIN_C1 //SPI(Usar por hardware quando possivel)
#define SPI_CLK PIN_C0 //SPI(Usar por hardware quando possivel)
//Driver nRF24L01P.C
#define RF24_IRQ PIN_A4 //interrupcao nRF24L01+
#define RF24_CS PIN_C4 //chipselect nRF24L01+
#define RF24_CE PIN_C3 //chipEnable nRF24L01+
#define RF24_PERFORMANCE_MODE //performance mode ON
#define RF24_SPI NRF_SPI //Redirects SPI2 port to RS24_SPI stream
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:29 am |
Have you seen the example file, at the top of this topic? _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2012 Posts: 3
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:55 am |
Dear Eduardo,
This is first signalling which generated from RF24_default_config() function.
As you can see some clocks are missing. I don't understand what is wrong. I am waiting for your reply as soon as possible.
I changed this function to check something.
Code: |
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS) {
//commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list table in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS); //Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER.
rv=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
} |
I am getting:
Quote: | "Expression must evaluate to a constant" message cause that " rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS); " |
error message for "commDS".
I think this argument is the third byte of configuration parameters. |
Joined: 23 Nov 2012 Posts: 3
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:12 am |
zidged wrote: | Dear Eduardo,
This is first signalling which generated from RF24_default_config() function.
As you can see some clocks are missing. I don't understand what is wrong. I am waiting for your reply as soon as possible.
I changed this function to check something.
Code: |
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS) {
//commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list table in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS); //Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER.
rv=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
} |
I am getting:
Quote: | "Expression must evaluate to a constant" message cause that " rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS); " |
error message for "commDS".
I think this argument is the third byte of configuration parameters. |
i changed SPI configuration to Force_SW and done. |
Joined: 23 Nov 2012 Posts: 3
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:13 am |
40inD wrote: | Eduardo,
Code: |
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS) { //commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS);//Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER
rv=spi_read2(); //It?s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
} |
rises error "Expression must evaluate to a constant" for commDS |
Change force_hw to force_sw! |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:21 am |
zidged wrote: | Dear Eduardo,
This is first signalling which generated from RF24_default_config() function.
As you can see some clocks are missing. I don't understand what is wrong. I am waiting for your reply as soon as possible.
i changed SPI configuration to Force_SW and done. |
But you lose performance using software SPI.
About the error given, check if you enabled passing strings from the RAM to the compiler, as shown below:
Code: | #device PASS_STRINGS=IN_RAM |
//It must be put in the beginning of the program.
Good luck friend! _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 128
Great Thank-you |
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 2:46 am |
Great job, Thank-you :-) _________________ in médio virtus |
Joined: 03 May 2017 Posts: 8
Problem with PIC16LF88 |
Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:35 am |
Dear Eduardo,
First, thank you for driver. However, it has been a long time since i have programed on PIC, and i did not manage to compile.
First I give my scheme:
I use a PIC 16LF88, the internal oscillator at 4 MHz, ICSP and 3.3V PIC.
I program on CCS v 5.008.
Secondly I have this code:
.h File
Code: |
#include <16F88.h>
#device ADC=10
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES PUT //Power Up Timer
#FUSES NOBROWNOUT //No brownout reset
#FUSES NOLVP //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
#use delay(internal=4MHz)
#use FIXED_IO( A_outputs=PIN_A2,PIN_A1 )
The .c file:
Code: |
#include <Domotique Pic.h>
#define BatMes PIN_A0
#define DhCt PIN_A1
#define BatCt PIN_A2
#define DHT-11 PIN_A4
#define SPI_MISO PIN_B1
#define SPI_MOSI PIN_B2
#define RF24_CS PIN_B3
#define SPI_CLK PIN_B4
#define RF24_CE PIN_B5
#define RF24_IRQ PIN_B0
#define RF24_PERFORMANCE_MODE //performance mode ON
#define PGC PIN_B6
#define PGD PIN_B7
#define RF24_SPI STREAM_SPI2
#include <nRF24L01P.c>
void main()
setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_8); //2,0 s overflow
My problem is that I have to make modification into driver to compile.
I changed the code on:
Code: |
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS) {
//commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command (see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1); //Write config.value or command (1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS);
rv=spi_read2(); //It's necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv;
I have to suppress commDS from spi_xfer to not have the error:
"Expression must evaluate a constant".
Second error:
In nrf24l01p.h i modify:
Code: |
//Automated functions contemplated register.
enum RF24_STATUS { // **Status Register (In parallel to the SPI command word applied on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is shifted serially out on the MISO pin)
IRQ_RX_dataready =0b01000000, // (0)Data Ready RX FIFO interrupt. Asserted when new data arrives RX FIFOc.Write 1 to clear bit.
IRQ_TX_datasent =0b00100000, // (0)Data Sent TX FIFO interrupt. Asserted when packet transmitted on TX. If AUTO_ACK is activated,this bit is set high only when ACK isreceived.Write 1 to clear bit.
IRQ_MAX_retransmit=0b00010000, // (0)Maximum number of TX retransmits interrupt Write 1 to clear bit. If asserted it must be cleared to enable further communication.
IRQ_ALL =0b01110000, // Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
RX_PIPE0 =0b00000000, // (R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE1 =0b00000010, // (R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE2 =0b00000100, // (R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE3 =0b00000110, // (R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE4 =0b00001000, // (R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE5 =0b00001010, // (R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_BUFFER_EMPTY =0b00001110, // (R)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
TX_BUFFER_FULL2 =0b00000001 // (R)(0)TX FIFO full flag. 1: TX FIFO full. 0: Available locations in TX FIFO.
I have to change TX_BUFFER_FULL to TX_BUFFER_FULL2 to not have the error:
"Identifier is already used in this scope".
Are there some more errors to correct to be able to communicate as soon as possible ? I want to communicate with a Raspberry.
Thank you a lot.
Sebastien, Pic Dummy. |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:57 pm |
sebcar wrote: |
I have to suppress commDS from spi_xfer to not have the error:
"Expression must evaluate a constant". |
That's because in modern versions of the CCS compiler, if you specify
hardware spi in the #use spi() statement, then CCS will only allow a
constant numeric value for the "number of bits" parameter in spi_xfer().
In other words, it gives an error for this:
Code: | rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS); |
But it will compile with this:
Code: | rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, 8); |
But you don't have to worry about it. You can comment out the last
RF24_comm() function in that section of code. The last section is not used.
Comment it out, as shown below. Then it's no problem:
Code: |
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int32 commDS) { //commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS); //Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER
// rv=spi_read(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
#define RF24_SPI STREAM_SPI2
There are several problems in your #use spi() statement above:
1. There is no "SPI2" module in the 16LF88. That PIC only has SPI1.
2. It's better to use hardware SPI, because it's faster.
3. I see no need to rename the stream.
I changed it to this:
// #define RF24_SPI STREAM_SPI2 // Comment out, or delete this line.
Then it should compile, though it will still give some warnings. |
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