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Joined: 18 Oct 2003 Posts: 145
Strange and Big Problem! |
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:59 pm |
I have a big problem, I have a firmware and when I add a new function the USE RS232 (soft) not work. I compare the two USE RS232 (ok and bad) and I see some differences but I not understand why?????
I need that you help me with this problem, I have two days working in solve this and I cannot, my customer want kill me!!! I think that the problem is when send bytes...
Any IDEA???
I use the last version with a 24HJ256GP206A
Code: | CCS PCD C Compiler, Version 5.026, xxxxx 01-ago-14 17:43
ROM used: 66324 bytes (38%)
Largest free fragment is 61128
RAM used: 5246 (32%) at main() level
9035 (55%) worst case
Stack used: 136 locations (96 in main + 40 for interrupts)
Stack size: 512
This is the .lst of USE when work
Code: |
03272 AF62D4 BTSC.B 2D4.3 : Skip if PORTD.RD3 = 0
03274 37FFFE BRA 3272 : GoTo 3272
03276 200083 MOV #8,W3 : W3 = 8
03278 EB0100 CLR W2 : W2 = 0
0327A F80042 PUSH 42 : PUSH SR to TOS
0327C A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
0327E B3CE00 MOV.B #E0,W0L : W0L = E0
03280 B7E042 MOV.B W0L,42 : SRL = W0L
03282 A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
03284 0903DE REPEAT #3DE : Repeat next instruction (3DE + 1) times
03286 000000 NOP : No Operation
03288 090B98 REPEAT #B98 : Repeat next instruction (B98 + 1) times
0328A 000000 NOP : No Operation
0328C A90042 BCLR.B 42.0 : SR.C = 0
0328E AF62D4 BTSC.B 2D4.3 : Skip if PORTD.RD3 = 0
03290 A80042 BSET.B 42.0 : SR.C = 1
03292 D3C102 RRC.B W2L,W2L : W2L = rotate right through Carry W2L
03294 E90183 DEC W3,W3 : W3 = W3 - 1
03296 3AFFF8 BRA NZ,3288 : if W3!=0 GoTo 3288
03298 090B9F REPEAT #B9F : Repeat next instruction (B9F + 1) times
0329A 000000 NOP : No Operation
0329C 090B9F REPEAT #B9F : Repeat next instruction (B9F + 1) times
0329E 000000 NOP : No Operation
032A0 780002 MOV W2,W0 : W0 = W2
032A2 A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
032A4 F90042 POP 42 : POP TOS to SR
032A6 A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
032A8 060000 RETURN : Return
033EE 781F85 MOV W5,[W15++] : Push W5 to TOS
033F0 BFC042 MOV.B 42,W0L : W0L = SR
033F2 B7E00A MOV.B W0L,A : W5L = W0L
033F4 A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
033F6 200E04 MOV #E0,W4 : W4 = E0
033F8 880214 MOV W4,42 : SR = W4
033FA A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
033FC EB0200 CLR W4 : W4 = 0
033FE A962D6 BCLR.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 0
03400 200083 MOV #8,W3 : W3 = 8
03402 090B9C REPEAT #B9C : Repeat next instruction (B9C + 1) times
03404 000000 NOP : No Operation
03406 BFDE6C MOV.B 1E6C,W0L : W0L = [1E6C]
03408 680204 XOR W0,W4,W4 : W4 = W0 ^ W4
0340A D7FE6C RRC.B 1E6C : [1E6C] = rotate right through Carry [1E6C]
0340C AF0042 BTSC.B 42.0 : Skip if SR.C = 0
0340E A862D6 BSET.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 1
03410 AE0042 BTSS.B 42.0 : Skip if SR.C = 1
03412 A962D6 BCLR.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 0
03414 090B95 REPEAT #B95 : Repeat next instruction (B95 + 1) times
03416 000000 NOP : No Operation
03418 E90183 DEC W3,W3 : W3 = W3 - 1
0341A 3AFFF5 BRA NZ,3406 : if W3!=0 GoTo 3406
0341C A70004 BTSC W4.0 : Skip if W4.bit4 = 0
0341E A862D6 BSET.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 1
03420 A60004 BTSS W4.0 : Skip if W4.bit = 1
03422 A962D6 BCLR.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 0
03424 090B9F REPEAT #B9F : Repeat next instruction (B9F + 1) times
03426 000000 NOP : No Operation
03428 A862D6 BSET.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 1
0342A 200013 MOV #1,W3 : W3 = 1
0342C 090B9C REPEAT #B9C : Repeat next instruction (B9C + 1) times
0342E 000000 NOP : No Operation
03430 E90183 DEC W3,W3 : W3 = W3 - 1
03432 3AFFFC BRA NZ,342C : if W3!=0 GoTo 342C
03434 A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
03436 F80042 PUSH 42 : PUSH SR to TOS
03438 9FFFE5 MOV.B W5L,[W15-#2] : [W15+-2] = W5L
0343A F90042 POP 42 : POP TOS to SR
0343C A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
0343E 7802CF MOV [--W15],W5 : POP TOS to [--W15]
03440 060000 RETURN : Return
This is the .lst of USE when NOT work!!!!
Code: |
03DF6 AF62D4 BTSC.B 2D4.3 : Skip if PORTD.RD3 = 0
03DF8 37FFFE BRA 3DF6 : GoTo 3DF6
03DFA 200083 MOV #8,W3 : W3 = 8
03DFC EB0100 CLR W2 : W2 = 0
03DFE F80042 PUSH 42 : PUSH SR to TOS
03E00 A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
03E02 B3CE00 MOV.B #E0,W0L : W0L = E0
03E04 B7E042 MOV.B W0L,42 : SRL = W0L
03E06 A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
03E08 0903DE REPEAT #3DE : Repeat next instruction (3DE + 1) times
03E0A 000000 NOP : No Operation
03E0C 090B98 REPEAT #B98 : Repeat next instruction (B98 + 1) times
03E0E 000000 NOP : No Operation
03E10 A90042 BCLR.B 42.0 : SR.C = 0
03E12 AF62D4 BTSC.B 2D4.3 : Skip if PORTD.RD3 = 0
03E14 A80042 BSET.B 42.0 : SR.C = 1
03E16 D3C102 RRC.B W2L,W2L : W2L = rotate right through Carry W2L
03E18 E90183 DEC W3,W3 : W3 = W3 - 1
03E1A 3AFFF8 BRA NZ,3E0C : if W3!=0 GoTo 3E0C
03E1C 090B9F REPEAT #B9F : Repeat next instruction (B9F + 1) times
03E1E 000000 NOP : No Operation
03E20 090B9F REPEAT #B9F : Repeat next instruction (B9F + 1) times
03E22 000000 NOP : No Operation
03E24 780002 MOV W2,W0 : W0 = W2
03E26 A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
03E28 F90042 POP 42 : POP TOS to SR
03E2A A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
03E2C 060000 RETURN : Return
03FB8 781F85 MOV W5,[W15++] : Push W5 to TOS
03FBA BFC042 MOV.B 42,W0L : W0L = SR
03FBC B7E00A MOV.B W0L,A : W5L = W0L
03FBE A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
03FC0 200E04 MOV #E0,W4 : W4 = E0
03FC2 880214 MOV W4,42 : SR = W4
03FC4 A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
03FC6 EB0200 CLR W4 : W4 = 0
03FC8 A962D6 BCLR.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 0
03FCA 200083 MOV #8,W3 : W3 = 8
03FCC 090B9C REPEAT #B9C : Repeat next instruction (B9C + 1) times
03FCE 000000 NOP : No Operation
03FD0 811294 MOV 2252,W4 : W4 = [2252]
03FD2 BFC008 MOV.B 8,W0L : W0L = W4
03FD4 891294 MOV W4,2252 : [2252] = W4
03FD6 680204 XOR W0,W4,W4 : W4 = W0 ^ W4
03FD8 811294 MOV 2252,W4 : W4 = [2252]
03FDA D7E008 RRC.B 8 : W4L = rotate right through Carry W4L
03FDC 891294 MOV W4,2252 : [2252] = W4
03FDE AF0042 BTSC.B 42.0 : Skip if SR.C = 0
03FE0 A862D6 BSET.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 1
03FE2 AE0042 BTSS.B 42.0 : Skip if SR.C = 1
03FE4 A962D6 BCLR.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 0
03FE6 090B95 REPEAT #B95 : Repeat next instruction (B95 + 1) times
03FE8 000000 NOP : No Operation
03FEA E90183 DEC W3,W3 : W3 = W3 - 1
03FEC 3AFFF1 BRA NZ,3FD0 : if W3!=0 GoTo 3FD0
03FEE A70004 BTSC W4.0 : Skip if W4.bit4 = 0
03FF0 A862D6 BSET.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 1
03FF2 A60004 BTSS W4.0 : Skip if W4.bit = 1
03FF4 A962D6 BCLR.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 0
03FF6 090B9F REPEAT #B9F : Repeat next instruction (B9F + 1) times
03FF8 000000 NOP : No Operation
03FFA A862D6 BSET.B 2D6.3 : LATD.LATD3 = 1
03FFC 200013 MOV #1,W3 : W3 = 1
03FFE 090B9C REPEAT #B9C : Repeat next instruction (B9C + 1) times
04000 000000 NOP : No Operation
04002 E90183 DEC W3,W3 : W3 = W3 - 1
04004 3AFFFC BRA NZ,3FFE : if W3!=0 GoTo 3FFE
04006 A9E081 BCLR.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 0
04008 F80042 PUSH 42 : PUSH SR to TOS
0400A 9FFFE5 MOV.B W5L,[W15-#2] : [W15+-2] = W5L
0400C F90042 POP 42 : POP TOS to SR
0400E A8E081 BSET.B 81.7 : INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1
04010 7802CF MOV [--W15],W5 : POP TOS to [--W15]
04012 060000 RETURN : Return |
Joined: 01 Jul 2010 Posts: 9426 Location: Greensville,Ontario
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:07 pm |
I don't use that PIC but...
1) both #use rs232(...) appear to have the same options,so they should be the same. You don't point out the differences which would up my tired eyes.
2)they compile at different memory spaces.
that leads me to believe you've modified other code that we don't know about.
You should post a small compilable program that shows us the problem.
Without seeing the real program I can't understand where the problem is.
We need some more information.
jay |
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19730
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:54 am |
Key thing is 'what happens'. Are the bytes being sent, but corrupted?. Or is the processor crashing?.
If so, then you are almost certainly getting a trap interrupt.
Only 'user' interrupts are disabled.
Normally a trap would cause a reset, but if you have enabled you own trap functions 'anything is possible'. How big is your stack?. Adding the extra function may have simply taken you over the stack size allocated. |
Joined: 18 Oct 2003 Posts: 145
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:29 pm |
I can see that the problem is when I define global large array > 2Kb. I don't know why happen this, I have too much ram. I send a email to CCS.
Regards, |
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