I start use an lcd with KS0066U same HD44780
with the driver lcd.c and nothing appear no cursor
no pixel the lcd no move.
Look my programme.
please help me.
#include <16F877.H>
#device PIC16F877 10 bit ADC=10/*declaration pour lire ADRESH et ADRESL*/
#use delay (clock=4000000)/*declare le quartz du �c*/
#include <lcd.c>
int x;
x = 2;
printf(lcd_putc, "\%u", x);
while( 1 );
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10930
nanard-bis Guest
ERRATUM Re: nothing appear on lcd (KS0066) with driver lcd.c
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:58 am
I don't forget
#include <lcd.c>
after #use delay
:=<font face="Courier New" size=-1>Hello,
:=I start use an lcd with KS0066U same HD44780
:=with the driver lcd.c and nothing appear no cursor
:=no pixel the lcd no move.
:=Look my programme.
:=please help me.
:=#include <16F877.H>
:=#device PIC16F877 10 bit ADC=10/*declaration pour lire ADRESH et ADRESL*/
:=#use delay (clock=4000000)/*declare le quartz du �c*/
:=#include <lcd.c>
:=int x;
:= lcd_init();
:=x = 2;
:=printf(lcd_putc, "\%u", x);
:=while( 1 );
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10938
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