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Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:59 pm |
I'm getting the device constantly halted by the debugger (about every 12 seconds); so I checked if there's an internal reset like WDT reset and I get that the cause is a RESTART_TRAP_CONFLICT.
So I made a little research here and found how to know the address that is falling in to the trap.
I found that is the address 0x1462 which is in the CCS @const section.
The place where the compiler puts the strings declared in the code.
So, can be this a bug in CCS compiler code?
CCS V5.091
PIC24FJ1024GB606 _________________ Electric Blue |
Joined: 30 Oct 2007 Posts: 568 Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:29 pm |
Not sure about this compiler version (I use 5.026) and I don't use the debugger. I am not familiar with the RESTART_TRAP_CONFLICT but I do use the PIC24 devices.
Posting code will help. Can you reduce your code to the bare minimum and still re-create the problem?
As for the error, is this an address trap? Can you add / do you have the #INT_ADDRERR interrupts and the #INT_STACKERR enabled?
If you call RestartCause = restart_cause();, what do you get?
Let's say it is an address trap, I use the following code which was provided I believe by either Ttelmah or PCM Programmer (don't remember) and was very useful in finding address errors:
Code: |
void ADDRERR_isr(void)
unsigned long trapaddr;
mov w15, w0
sub #38, w0
mov [w0++], w1
mov w1, trapaddr
mov [w0], w1
and #0x7f, w1
mov w1, trapaddr+2
fprintf( MONITOR_SERIAL, "\n\rTRAP ADDRESS: 0x%08X", trapaddr );
The address captured is the address immediately following the true address location that caused the crash. I've had this address trap interrupt occur when, let's say, searching in a string until NULL or last character but in my case, the data was longer than the string therefore no NULL was found therefore the while loop caused the crash.
Ben |
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19732
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:56 am |
A RESTART_TRAP_CONFLICT, can be caused by the stack overflowing.
What is your stack size set to?. Printf, can use quite a lot of stack. So it
might be simply that the access to a string 'inside' something like a
printf, is resulting in a stack overflow.
Generally on PIC24/33 code, the stack always needs to be significantly
expanded beyond the compiler default.
#build (stack=0x400)
Gives 1KB of stack.
Be very careful. The stack size here is in 'bytes', but the stack size reported
in the .lst file is in 16bit words. So a program that says:
Stack used: 464 locations (14 in main + 450 for interrupts)
Needs a minimum of 928 bytes of stack (so 1KB).
The #build I show is for the program reporting this stack use. |
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:53 am |
@benoitstjean The restart cause is 15, that's how I found this kind of reset that I wasn't aware before.
This is my first PIC24F program.
So I searched here and found that ASM code to get the trap address and get the 1462.
@Ttelmah What? I didn't know about that.
The same code is working in a PIC18F which have 31 stack levels. How is that now it needs 1KB?
Where is located this info "Stack used: 464 locations (14 in main + 450 for interrupts) "?
In the build output can't find that and in the left panel there's only info about Flash size/used, RAM size/used and breakpoints available/used.
This is what I have around address 1462
Code: | 01426 EF2054 CLR TBLPAG
001428 214323 MOV #0x1432, W3
00142A 418000 ADD W3, W0, W0
00142C BA4010 TBLRDL.B [W0], W0
00142E EF6001 CLR.B 0x1
001430 060000 RETURN
001432 00493B NOP
001434 003D44 NOP
001436 007325 NOP
001438 00233B NOP
00143A 003425 NOP
00143C 00584C NOP
00143E 002A3B NOP
001440 000000 NOP
001442 EF2054 CLR TBLPAG
001444 2144E3 MOV #0x144E, W3
001446 418000 ADD W3, W0, W0
001448 BA4010 TBLRDL.B [W0], W0
00144A EF6001 CLR.B 0x1
00144C 060000 RETURN
00144E 005024 NOP
001450 00544D NOP
001452 00324B NOP
001454 003135 NOP
001456 00312C NOP
001458 003239 NOP
00145A 003030 NOP
00145C 00322A NOP
00145E 000D32 NOP
001460 00000A NOP
001462 EF2054 CLR TBLPAG
001464 200243 MOV #0x24, W3
001466 500183 SUB W0, W3, W3
001468 310005 BRA C, 0x1474
00146A 2147E3 MOV #0x147E, W3
00146C 418000 ADD W3, W0, W0
00146E BA4010 TBLRDL.B [W0], W0
001470 EF6001 CLR.B 0x1
001472 060000 RETURN
001474 2147E0 MOV #0x147E, W0
001476 418183 ADD W3, W3, W3
001478 418180 ADD W3, W0, W3
00147A BA8013 TBLRDH [W3], W0
00147C 060000 RETURN
00147E 2C5024 MOV #0xC502, W4
001480 30544D BRA OV, 0xBD1C
001482 2C334B MOV #0xC334, W11
001484 303431 BRA OV, 0x7CE8
001486 2C302C MOV #0xC302, W12
001488 30312C BRA OV, 0x76E2
00148A 2C302C MOV #0xC302, W12
00148C 30302C BRA OV, 0x74E6
00148E 2C312C MOV #0xC312, W12
001490 30302C BRA OV, 0x74EA
001492 2A302C MOV #0xA302, W12
001494 32302C BRA Z, 0x74EE
001496 38302C BRA NOV, 0x74F0
001498 0D302C BRA OB, 0x74F2 |
_________________ Electric Blue |
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19732
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:02 am |
The stack on the PIC24, is totally different.
On the PIC16/18, the stack can only hold return addresses. Nothing else.
So if you have routines that run (say) ten deep, ten stack levels are all
that is needed. On the PIC24/33, the stack is used to actually hold values
as well as return addresses. So a single call to a routine may on it's own easily
use forty stack levels!... So where the PIC18 needed just ten stack levels,
the same routine on a PIC24, can easily need 400 levels!...
The stack defaults to 128 levels. This is not enough to even have a single
routine calling a printf. (eeek).
Look at the top of the listing file. With two caveats, this figure will tell
you what is needed.
The caveats are that as already mentioned this is in 'stack levels', not in
bytes, and that it sometimes seems to need a tiny bit more than this says
(so don't run right tight to what this is saying you need). |
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:43 am |
I have this on the .lst file.
Code: | ROM used: 75346 bytes (11%)
Largest free fragment is 65536
RAM used: 3396 (11%) at main() level
3802 (12%) worst case
Stack used: 238 locations (174 in main + 64 for interrupts)
Stack size: 320
So, should I must to increase the stack size? _________________ Electric Blue |
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19732
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:30 am |
Yes. You need a minimum of 476 bytes. So set it to 512.
This is almost certainly the problem. |
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19732
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:53 am |
As a comment, the reason you have to make the stack slightly larger
than their figure, is that the ICD uses a little stack space, hence a little
more is always needed if you are using an ICD. |
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:53 am |
Ok, so CCS does not automatically set the stack size as is needed.
What about the "Compile for use with ICD"? How affects the code?
Is just a NOP at address 0x0000? _________________ Electric Blue |
Joined: 01 Jul 2010 Posts: 9426 Location: Greensville,Ontario
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:14 pm |
re: Ok, so CCS does not automatically set the stack size as is needed.
They probably set a 'default' size, but really 'as needed' could take a huge amount of time to compute. Just think of the number of potential paths a few 'if-then-else' tests in a row could have ? Kinda like playing chess, how many moves do you think ahead ??
Most 'powerPICs' have LOTS of RAM , so setting aside 1K ,2K even 4K for the stack isn't normally a big deal even if you force all variables to be 'global'. |
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:30 pm |
I made a mistake, the value of trapaddr=0x0040E000 not 0x1462
That's bigger than the FLASH size.
I'm lost.
My trap isr have a #36 instead #38 on the second ASM line.
Can be that? _________________ Electric Blue |
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:45 pm |
I just changed #36 by #38 and found the error, there's no isr for TX UART2.
I can believe it. _________________ Electric Blue
Last edited by E_Blue on Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19732
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:03 am |
Repeat thirty times. Every enabled interrupt, must have a handler.....
Most of us here will have done something similar at some point. |
Joined: 01 Jul 2010 Posts: 9426 Location: Greensville,Ontario
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:31 am |
too many late nights, too much coffee, BTDT
I've eliminated most 'sillies' by copying the source, save as nextversionxxx,only making a couple changes in code,recompile, test, do it all again. Yes, I have can have 30-40-50+ versions BUT it's easy to go back.
Yes, the HD is stuffed with a zillion files as every compile generates 6 or 7 files. That's not a big problem..SEEINg ; instead of : IS !
Jay |
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:07 pm |
The problem was that the version 1.0 of the PCB used a GPRS modem that includes a GPS and the GPS module was configured trough the modem UART1 and the GPS data was available in a separate UART2; so no need to send anything trough UART2 and so no need for a TX2 ISR.
That integrated GPS has serious issues so in PCB V2.0 we decided to use a separate GPS that requires some commands; I added the proper routines to load TX2 buffer and forgot to add the ISR for UART2. _________________ Electric Blue |
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