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Hex Decompile - TABLAT Register Interrupt Push/Pop question

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Hex Decompile - TABLAT Register Interrupt Push/Pop question
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:48 am     Reply with quote

I'm trying to recreate the build environment for an OLD application using the CCS PCH V4.112 compiler on an PIC18F2420 target . I'm doing this to document that I have the source code to match an old .hex file, as a starting point for my code changes. My problem is that the .hex file from MY BUILD contains the following EXTRA PUSH/POP registers in the interrupt.


    29   0038    CFF5  MOVFF 0xff5, 0x15                ; TABLAT     
    30   003A    F015  NOP                                   
    31   003C    CFF6  MOVFF 0xff6, 0x16                ; TBLPTRL   
    32   003E    F016  NOP                                   
    33   0040    CFF7  MOVFF 0xff7, 0x17                ; TBLPTRH   
    34   0042    F017  NOP       
    88   00AE    C015  MOVFF 0x15, 0xff5                ; TABLAT
    89   00B0    FFF5  NOP                                   
    90   00B2    C016  MOVFF 0x16, 0xff6                ; TBLPTRL
    91   00B4    FFF6  NOP                                   
    92   00B6    C017  MOVFF 0x17, 0xff7                ; TBLPTRH
    93   00B8    FFF7  NOP

These statements are not in the OLD .hex file, as compared by importing the .hex file into MPLAB to decompile it. So MY RETFIE is at accress 00C4 and the OLD .hex RETFIE is at 00AC.

So my questions are:
1) Are these registers added to the push/pop list automatically, based on some register usage calculation by the compiler;
2) Are these registers optionally added to the push/pop list, and there is some compiler control directive for removing these from that list.

3) I see that there are optimization levels 0-9, but I haven't seen any details as to what these different levels of optimization do. I currently have the default #opt 9.

I believe that I'm using the correct compiler version, V4.112, but I'm wondering if a previous version of the compiler handled interrupt push differently and perhaps I have the wrong compiler. This version is too old to see a list of the changes on the CCSinfo website.

I've read about the #separate option, but I don't have an example on how to use it for TABLAT.

Any suggestions are be appreciated.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:30 am     Reply with quote

None of these instructions are pushes or pops....
They are simply saving/restoring the table pointer registers to scratch.

Honestly, if you need to match the old code, the only way to do it, would be to use #INT_GLOBAL, and manually save/restore the registers to match the old code (and poll the interrupt involved). However I would have expected the table pointers to have been saved, otherwise there will be problems as these are used anywhere.

Optimisation has no effect on the registers being saved. All temporary registers are always saved unless you use INT_GLOBAL and do it yourself.

Are you sure the hex was built for the same chip, and with this compiler?. A quick check shows that a basic interrupt handler built on 4.114, does exactly the same save/restore of these three registers.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:00 pm     Reply with quote

Ttelmah, thanks for the information and correction on push/pop. I was hoping that there might be a compiler directive to disable this. The documentation that I have and some build files from the same era, including a list file, indicate the compiler was:

CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 4.112, 12345678 15-Oct-10 14:12

The second to last lines of the .HEX file I'm trying to match states:
";PIC18F2420", and the last line indicates CREATED="18-Dec-09".

so I'm sure that I have the right target, but the compiler could be earlier than 4.112. You mentioned "a quick check shows that ....on 4.114". Where did you find that information, or is that from software you have installed? I'm just wonder if I can look at compilers prior to 4.112 to see if they worked the same way.

If I have to, I can replace the existing interrupt dispatcher with custom code to avoid having these table points written to scratch, but if I can do it with the existing V4.112 compiler directives, that would be preferred.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:18 am     Reply with quote

4.112, also saves these registers.

It has to. Otherwise anything using table addressing, will result in register corruption.


//Interrupt handler for a timer interrupt compiled with 4.112

CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 4.112, 93505794               22-Oct-18 13:08

               Filename: C:\Program Files\PICC\testmplab\main2420.lst

               ROM used: 246 bytes (2%)
                         Largest free fragment is 16134
               RAM used: 25 (3%) at main() level
                         25 (3%) worst case
               Stack:    1 worst case (0 in main + 1 for interrupts)

0000:  GOTO   00B6
0008:  MOVWF  04
000E:  MOVFF  BSR,06
0012:  MOVLB  0
0014:  MOVFF  FSR0L,0C
0018:  MOVFF  FSR0H,07
001C:  MOVFF  FSR1L,08
0020:  MOVFF  FSR1H,09
0024:  MOVFF  FSR2L,0A
0028:  MOVFF  FSR2H,0B
002C:  MOVFF  PRODL,12
0030:  MOVFF  PRODH,13
0034:  MOVFF  PCLATH,14
0038:  MOVFF  TABLAT,15
0040:  MOVFF  TBLPTRH,17
0044:  MOVFF  00,0E
0048:  MOVFF  01,0F
004C:  MOVFF  02,10
0050:  MOVFF  03,11
0056:  GOTO   0060
005C:  GOTO   00AE
0060:  MOVFF  0E,00
0064:  MOVFF  0F,01
0068:  MOVFF  10,02
006C:  MOVFF  11,03
0070:  MOVFF  0C,FSR0L
0074:  MOVFF  07,FSR0H
0078:  BSF    07.7
007A:  MOVFF  08,FSR1L
007E:  MOVFF  09,FSR1H
0082:  MOVFF  0A,FSR2L
0086:  MOVFF  0B,FSR2H
008A:  MOVFF  12,PRODL
008E:  MOVFF  13,PRODH
0092:  MOVFF  14,PCLATH
0096:  MOVFF  15,TABLAT
00A2:  MOVF   04,W
00A4:  MOVFF  06,BSR

I just pulled the versions out of my archives. I always keep old compilers just for this reason. Trying to compile old code with a new compiler is sure to result in changes.

As you can see though, my code contains those saves and restores, but ends at 0xAC. I think there is something else different.
I just compiled exactly the same code with 5.081, and it gives the identical interrupt handler.

You don't say what your current compiler version is?.

There is a setting you can apply which is meant to 'undo' some of the changes that occurred with the V5 compiler;

#device CCS4

This applied to many early versions of the V5 compiler, where there was a change to the order the registers saved.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:30 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah, thanks again for the suggestions.

I did some research using, following suggestions from forum posts, and found that version 4.112 was not used to create this .hex file because it was not available until Sep 19, 2010, so could not have been used to create this 18-Dec-09 .hex file. So I'm going to look at an earlier compiler to see if it resolves the problem. I agree with you that the table registers need to be saved to avoid corruption, but I can see that they are not being saved in this 2009 .hex file that I'm attempt to recreate. The only reason I want to recreate the file is to validate the C source as a known starting place. Once I know that source, I can update the compiler to a more reasonable version.


-----------Compiler Version Dates Using
    Date          Current Version
    Feb 23, 2009      4.086
    Nov  2, 2009      4.099
    Jan 26, 2010      4.104
    Sep 19, 2010      4.112
    Dec 14, 2010      4.115
    Oct 14, 2011      4.125

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:38 am     Reply with quote

4.099, produces a smaller interrupt handler, without those specific saves. I'd guess the code itself does not use those registers in the same way.

If you want to build the code, contact CCS. They have an option in their download page for 'old compiler versions'. They should be possibly able to do 4.099 for you.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:32 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah, thanks again for the comments.

CCS Tech support has been great. They set me up with V4.099 and I'm checking it out now. I'll follow up with a summary once I've completed this process.

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