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Preventing I2C hanging

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Preventing I2C hanging
PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:13 pm     Reply with quote

My master PIC is controlling several slave PICs.
It does not mind a slave being disconnected as long as it is not expecting more than one reply. This works if the device is disconnected:
//Read Status
status=I2C_read(0);                  // no ACK

However this hangs the master (waiting for the ACK I assume):
status=I2C_read(0);                  // no ACK
How can I prevent the master from hanging when the device is disconnected? Perhaps an example of how I should be doing this.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:25 pm     Reply with quote

Start a timer just before you attempt to address the slave. Set the timer to expire (one shot mode) in, perhaps, 2x or 3x the "normal" time it would take to signal the slave and receive a response (the ACK).

The line immediately following where the slave would ACK (if it was present), insert a command to kill the timer.

In the timer's ISR, "kill" the I2C. You'll have to read the data sheet to see how to abort a transfer in progress. Also set a flag in the ISR - something like "I2C aborted". Any I2C commands/transfers after the line that may hang now need to be protected by a test for the "I2C aborted" flag.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:38 pm     Reply with quote

You don't have to bother.

Use the NACK returned by the I2C_write.

Basically when you send the device address, the write returns the acknowledge. If there is no device it'll return a 1, if the device is there and NACK's it'll return a 0.


if (I2C_write(device_read_addr)==0)
    status=I2C_read(0);                  // no ACK

You should do the same for all the I2C transactions. You don't start to read etc., unless the device NACK's that it is there.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:52 pm     Reply with quote

Thank you both.
I was thinking like you, newguy, but was looking for something like Ttelmah's reply.
I will try that Ttelmah, Excellent. Thanks.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:51 pm     Reply with quote

Mr T's code will work IF the I2C devices are working properly
silicon DOES fail..

Newguys timer code works for the 'bad chip' problem.

Whenever you have a 'network' of 'devices', and I2C is a 'network' , you need to consider a chip failing, either holding lines high, low, or open.
Some method of 'failsafe' needs to be enabled. In that respect I2C is no different than 'RS232' code which CCS has a 'timeout' or Microchip,which has a WDT for their PICs.

Really smart coders can isolate 'bad sections' of a network,yet allow data to travel to their destinations.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:51 pm     Reply with quote

I tried the suggestion from Ttelmah and it appeared to fix the problem but when I tried to duplicate the problem I found the software worked fine whether the three slave PICs were connected or not. Apparently I had some other problem, possibly my ICD3 being connected to the PIC, or finger trouble. I also get a warning from the compiler that the “if” statement code does nothing.
My understanding is that the master initiates a start pulling SDA low, it sends 7 bits for the address of the slave followed by a high 8th bit to indicate it wants to read data (an odd number address), and expects the slave to pull SDA low in the 9th clock to acknowledge. If there is no ACK because the device is not connected then the master thinks the slave has nothing to send and terminates the transmission with a stop bit (SDA goes high when SCL is high). I don’t know what happens with the next two I2C_read(); statements but assume the master goes through the motions clocking the data (all highs because of the pullups). I get 255 returned for the two variables when disconnected and the correct values when connected which seems to indicate this is what is happening.
The only way to hang the communications is by clock stretching but this cannot happen with nothing connected.
temtronic gave me something else to consider: I have a Master PIC in a control console that gets switch and pot data from another PIC by I2C and sends data to three graphic LCDs by I2C. It also communicates with an ROV over 300ft of CAT5 on a pair of the wires using RS422 to another Master PIC in the ROV. This ROV Master sends instructions over I2C to three other PICs that control motors, and to three more PICs on the same I2C that control sections of a robotic arm. Perhaps I should be using watchdog timers to act in case the I2C fails. The ROV shuts down if RS422 communications is lost but having a thruster jammed full on, or a robotic arm that won't retract, because of a failed I2C would be a problem. Everything has been working well for several years but things happen.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:01 pm     Reply with quote

rovtech wrote:
The ROV shuts down if RS422 communications is lost but having a thruster jammed full on, or a robotic arm that won't retract, because of a failed I2C would be a problem. Everything has been working well for several years but things happen.

What you want/need is a "dead man switch". On some trains, for example, a lever or a pedal needs to be pushed in order for the train to move. If the operator....well....dies, the idea is that they'll let go of the dead man switch and the train will safely stop with the only loss of life being the unfortunate train operator.

I'd recommend adding a periodic "heartbeat", superficially similar to the periodic "stroking" a watchdog requires. ROV master sends a heartbeat to the "extremities" along with desired position, etc. No heartbeat, extremities revert to "all stop", which is probably the safest option.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:35 am     Reply with quote

This is the thing of 'layers'.

Write your code internally to catch as many possible failure modes as possible.
Then add 'layers' round this to cope with things not going as expected.

This is also how a properly written watchdog has to be done.

On the watchdog, you see people enabling the watchdog, then 'scattering' the code with watchdog resets. Now this will work to catch the one condition (where the processor hangs), but does not catch the conditions where either the code goes 'off course' (an incorrect jump or return can still hit the watchdog resets), or the code is not operating as expected...

So the well designed watchdog, has just one routine that resets the watchdog. This is programmed so there is a 'return' in front of the entry.
(This prevents code doing a 'drunkards walk', reaching the routine).
Then when it enters it tests a series of 'status' bits, exiting immediately for any that are not reset. It then resets the watchdog, only if all of these have been reset as required. It then re-activates all these bits.

The main code just clears the bits one by one, only when individual operations have worked correctly, and at intervals calls the watchdog restart. Calling this more than needed won't restart the watchdog, since the bits won't have all been cleared. You design the watchdog timing, and the status tests, so that when the code is running correctly, all the bits will be reset in perhaps half the minimum watchdog time (beware on most PIC's the minimum watchdog time is very much shorter than the 'nominal' time). This way _all_ the components of the code have to be running correctly, or the chip will restart. A proper 'watchdog'.

The same idea can be used at a lower level for problems like yours.

What you can also do, is simply test that the clock line is 'high' before performing any I2C. So just use the 'input_state' command on the line used for the I2C clock. This will catch things like clock stretching, or something going wrong and perhaps an I2C chip being hung...

Which 'if' is saying it does nothing?.

The test on the I2C_write should not do this, unless I've typed something wrong. I use exactly that test to 'know' whether multiple I2C cards are present, and it compiles without complaint:

                if (I2C_write(I2CCARD1)==0)
                   //card is there
                   I2C_write(0); //register address 0
                   I2C_start();   //restart
                   I2C_write(I2CCARD1+READBIT); //select read
                   for (temp=4;temp<8;temp++)
                   //Now NACK the last byte
         [4] = (bit_test(I2C_temp,0));
         [5] = (bit_test(I2C_temp,1));

No complaints from the compiler at all.

Last edited by Ttelmah on Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:28 pm     Reply with quote

Are we agreed that the master will not see if the slaves(s) are disconnected and just go through the motions?
If you get sloppy with your editing and write:

You will see the warning that this line does nothing! It will give an error if the else is used as below, but no error used alone.
I wrote it correctly:
// read arm status
   I2C_START ();                                            // start I2C
   if(I2C_WRITE (ARM_READ_ADDR)==0)        // address of Read Arm Section
     upperarm_status = I2C_READ();               // get Arm status
     upperarm_posn = I2C_READ(0);               // get Arm position, no ACK
     sprintf(buff, "Arm is Present");                  // place text string in buffer
     sprintf(buff, "Arm is Removed");               // place text string in buffer
   I2C_STOP ();                                     // stop I2C
   text_position(0,5);                              // start LCD line 6
   send_str(buff);                                  // display

and my Display shows if the PIC is connected or not.
Thanks Ttelmah & newguy (folding the arm and auto return to surface are possible modifications. My priority is to get the arm fully functional and test it)

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:31 pm     Reply with quote

So I didn't get it wrong.... Very Happy
I didn't have the semicolon in what I posted....

Though I often do make mistakes when typing, that is one I'd have expected to 'self catch'.

As I have said since, you can also test for the bus being 'hung', by testing if the clock line is idle. However there is not much you can do about this, _except_ have code in your slaves, that if they don't (say) receive a transaction every second, they switch off and back on their I2C (which will release a clock stretch if one has gone wrong).
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