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How to accurately set timer? [SOLVED]

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How to accurately set timer? [SOLVED]
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:18 am     Reply with quote

Hello guys,
I am trying to understand how to set the timer tick event. I have the PIC18F2685 mounted on PCB. I got TIMER1 using external 32768 crystal to generate a very accurate 1Hz (thanks to PCM Programmer for the TIMER1 code). I also got the RBs interrupt, the 7 segment display to work and now I can but the PIC to sleep.
However, I think I can improve my project by using a timer to handle the display instead of using the delay function.
I have been trying to use TIMER0 to generate a 1mS tick with no luck. Would you please help me with this? I want to know how to calculate the tick in case I want to use more or less than 1mS.

FYI; I did search the forum, google, The compiler manual, the examples and the PIC header file. I also tried to change the PIC clock to other than 8M and the T0_DIV_128 to other values in the header file. However the information I have is for trial and error :( I need to understand it so I can use it correctly.

This is a simple test code:
#include <18F4520.h>
#use delay(clock=8M)

void timer0_isr(void)

void main()




I want it to do what this code does inside the main():


Thanks in advance,

Last edited by Sam_40 on Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:33 am     Reply with quote

The easiest timer to use to actually develop 1mSec, is timer2. Timer2 offers a programmable count, so can give an exact tick. Timer0 does not.

All the timers are fed at the start from Fosc/4. So for 1mSec (1000* per second), you need a count of 2000000/1000 = 2000.

So for timer2:


This gives /16, and then /125 (the actual count is one greater than the 'PR2' value (second number - read the data sheet), so gives 2000 exactly. Smile

For timer0, the timer always divides intrinsically by either 65536, or 256 (16bit or 8bit). 2000/256, gives /7.8 required, and the nearest prescaler to this is /8. So:


Will give 2000000/(8*256) = 976.5625/second (1.024mSec) which should be close enough.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:13 am     Reply with quote

Thanks a lot for the detailed information. You have a great weekend!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:09 am     Reply with quote

I am so confused in regards to timer2 set up to generate the 1mS. This is what I got:

For 1ms at 8Mhz internal osc and 1/16 prescaler for timer2 should be:

The math to calculate the period register
PR2 = (second * Fosc/4 ) / Prescaler
PR2 = (0.001 * 2000000)/16
PR2 = 125 (Why did you use 124?) the datasheet shows the PR2 should match TMR2?

/* Timer 2 Prototype */
/* void setup_timer_2(int8 mode, int8 period, int8 postscale); */

1:16 Prescaler
125 PR2 Register I also tried your value of 124
1:1 Postscaler

Should yield 1000Hz per second or 1mS.

However I am not getting that?

the output result does not match:

It seems as timer2 ticks faster than 1mS. The LEDs are very dim which suggest that the LEDs ON/OFF for less than 1mS?

would you please edit my test code to make timer2 tick for 1mS. I edited the #use delay(clock=8M) to #use delay(internal=8M). I also tried to setup the osc inside the main without any luck. I am also aware that the internal osc is not accurate, However it is working fine if use the above code! I want to see how would you do it for this processor to setup and use timer2.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:11 am     Reply with quote

The timer counts from 0.....

0 to 124 = 125 counts.

This is common with PIC timers.

Think about it. You are waiting 1mSec for each change, not doing all the changes just 1mSec apart....

void t2_tick(void)
   static unsigned int8 state=0;
   switch (state)
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 3:
       output low(A7); //2ticks from when A7 went high.....
   case 4:
       output_low(C2);//2 ticks from when C2 went high.

This takes 4 interrupts to perform the four changes.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:25 am     Reply with quote

Thanks a lot. Problem is solved.

My test program without using delay to help others:

#include <18F2685.h>

void t2_tick(void)
   static unsigned int8 state=0;
   switch (state)
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 3:
       output low(A7); //2ticks from when A7 went high.....
   case 4:
       output_low(C2);//2 ticks from when C2 went high.

void main()

it also works great with my 7 segments project.

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