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Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
nRF24L01+ full driver by Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:32 pm |
I wish you enjoy it =D
driver PART 1
Code: |
/*************************DEFINE OPTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS**********************************/
RF24_USE_DMA //nRF24 can use SPI DMA for multiple byte transfers(RF24_comm_in and RF24_comm_out functions)
/*************************SPI handshake and I/O commands***********************************/
//Defined macros
RF24_xfer(xdata) //Send/receive data through SPI(controls RF24_CS manualy)___DON´T USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS FOR MORE THAN 1 xdata PARAMETER
RF24_select() //Controls bit Chipselect
RF24_unselect() //Controls bit Chipselect
RF24_enable() //Controls bit Chipenable
RF24_disable() //Controls bit Chipenable
RF24_IRQ_state() //IsOn when receive or transmit Data IRQ asserted
int RF24_comm_in(int comm); //Send command and receive input(receive only one byte)
void RF24_comm_in(int comm, char *datain, int dataSZ); //Send command and receive input(dataSZ=number of input bytes)(datain=pointer to data for receiving)
int RF24_comm_out(int comm, char *dataout, int dataSZ);//Send command and send output string(dataSZ=number of bytes to output)(dataout=pointer to data for sending)
int RF24_comm(int comm);
int RF24_comm(int comm, int comm1);
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS); //commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
/*************************General Driver commands******************************************/
//Defined macros
RF24_FLUSH_TX(); //Flush TX FIFO, used in TX mode
RF24_FLUSH_RX(); //Flush RX FIFO, used in RX mode. Should not be executed during transmission of acknowledge, that is, acknowledge package will not be completed.
RF24_REUSE_TX_PL(); //(do not check for errors like TX_EMPTY)Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
RF24_R_RX_PL_WID(); //Read RX payload width for the top R_RX_PAYLOAD in the RX FIFO. Note: Flush RX FIFO if the read value is larger than 32 bytes.
RF24_W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK(); //Disables AUTOACK on this specific packet
RF24_lost_packets(); //Know how many packets was lost during Transmition(with autoack feature enabled)
RF24_retry_packets(); //Know how many retrys for transmit data(TX)(with autoack feature enabled)
RF24_RX_power_detector(); //Returns 1 if power is over -65dbm
RF24_setup_autoretry(delay,retrys); //delay=0to15(250 to 4000us)(delay between retrys, see datasheet), retrys=0to15(How many TX retrys)
RF24_FIFO_STATUS(); //Returns FIFO_STATUS Register
RF24_FIFO_STATUS_TX_REUSE(fstat); //(R)make RF24_enable for at least 10µs to Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX_REUSE is set by the SPI command REUSE_TX_PL, and is reset by the SPI commands W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX
RF24_FIFO_STATUS_TX_FULL(fstat); //(R)TX FIFO buffer full flag
RF24_FIFO_STATUS_TX_EMPTY(fstat); //(R)TX FIFO buffer empty
RF24_FIFO_STATUS_RX_FULL(fstat); //(R)RX FIFO buffer full flag
RF24_FIFO_STATUS_RX_EMPTY(fstat); //(R)RX FIFO buffer empty
RF24_get_status(); //Get nRF24 STATUS register in a fast way: It sends NO OPERATION command byte while receives STATUS register byte.
RF24_STATUS_extract_pipe_number(xstat); //Return received pipe number(0 to 5)
RF24_STATUS_RX_buffer_empty(xstat); //return true if RX_buffer_empty
RF24_STATUS_TX_buffer_full(xstat); //return true if TX_buffer_full
RF24_STATUS_RX_dataready_IRQ(xstat); //return true if buffer_empty
RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(xstat); //return true if buffer_empty
RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(xstat);//return true if buffer_empty
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(xstat); //clear selected IRQs(in xstat)
void RF24_initPorts();
void RF24_default_config(); //Ititializes default configuration for chip nRF24L01+
void RF24_waveout_testing(int channel); //TX is always on transmitting sinc signal
int RF24_TX_SET(); //Enhanced ShockBurst transmitting payload(return 1 if ok, return other number if error)
int RF24_RX_SET(); //Enhanced ShockBurst receiving payload(return 1 if ok, return other number if error)
short int RF24_TX_setaddress(char *address, int addrsize, short int ShockBurst); //Change address for transmiting data(with or without shockburst)
int RF24_TX_putbuffer(short int burst, int datasize, char *buffer); //Transmit data(1 to 32 bytes) to actual address
int RF24_TX_reusebuffer(); //Retransmit last TX data present in TX buffer
int RF24_RX_getbuffer(int *pipe, int *datasize, char *buffer); //Receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer
int RF24_check_rfsignal(); //Beep if there is RFsignal stronger that -64dB on choosen channel
void RF24_check_config(); //Check actual configuration(only for debugging purposes, stop in each delay)
//Example of using nRF24L01+ functions
void RF24_driver_use_example_RXdata(); //Example of using this driver
void RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata(); //Example of using this driver
void RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata_simple(); //Example of using this driver
Code: |
Single Chip 2.4GHz Transceiver Driver
ps: (R)=Read Only register
(W)=Write Only register
" "=Read and Write register
(?)=Initial Register State
*=Automated functions contemplated register(it has specific functions for it in driver, already done). Another registers/functions must be read/written by hand by the programmer. see example of implementation in driver.
**=Frequently used tables
data&=~PRIM_RX; //Reset PRIM_RX bit(for example)
data|=PRIM_RX; //Set PRIM_RX bit(for example)
R_REGISTER =0b00000000, //*bits from 0 to 4 are the addresses to be read(0 a 31)//Read command and status registers.
W_REGISTER =0b00100000, //*bits from 0 to 4 are the addresses to be write(0 a 31)//Write command and status registers. Executable in power down or standby modes only
R_RX_PAYLOAD=0b01100001, //*Read RX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A read operation always starts at byte 0. Payload is deleted from FIFO after it is read. Used in RX mode.
W_TX_PAYLOAD=0b10100000, //*Write TX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A write operation always starts at byte 0 used in TX payload.
FLUSH_TX =0b11100001, //*Flush TX FIFO, used in TX mode
FLUSH_RX =0b11100010, //*Flush RX FIFO, used in RX mode. Should not be executed during transmission of acknowledge, that is, acknowledge package will not be completed.
REUSE_TX_PL =0b11100011, //*Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
R_RX_PL_WID =0b01100000, //*Read RX payload width for the top R_RX_PAYLOAD in the RX FIFO. Note: Flush RX FIFO if the read value is larger than 32 bytes.
W_ACK_PAYLOAD=0b10101000, //bits 0 to 2(value 0 a 5) Used in RX mode. Write Payload to be transmitted together with ACK packet on choosen Pipenumber(0 to 5). (Pipenumber valid in the range from 000 to 101[0d0 a 0d5]). Maximum three ACK packet payloads can be pending. Payloads with same pipenumber are handled using first in - first out principle. Write payload: 1– 32 bytes. A write operation always starts at byte 0.
W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK=0b10110000,//*Used in TX mode. Disables AUTOACK on this specific packet.
NOP =0b11111111}; //No Operation
enum RF24_addr { //**Addresses list
EN_AUTOACK, //bits 0 to 5 enables in pipe0 to pipe5(EN_AA)
EN_RXPIPES, //bits 0 to 5 enables pipe0 to pipe5
SETUP_ADDRESSWIDTH, //set 1 to 3(3 to 5 bytes)
SETUP_AUTORETRANSMISSION, //7:4(250 to 4000us) autoretry delay, 3:0(0 to 15)Auto retry times
RF_CHANNEL=0x05, //0 to 126. F0= 2400 + RF_CHANNEL [MHz]. Use 1 channel of space for 250kbps to 1Mbps radios and 2 channels of space between 2Mbps radios.
OBSERVE_TX, //(R)7:4 lost packets, 3:0 retry TX packets
RX_POWER_DETECTOR, //(R)only bit0(1=true)
RX_ADDR_P0=0x0A, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
RX_ADDR_P1,RX_ADDR_P2,RX_ADDR_P3,RX_ADDR_P4,RX_ADDR_P5, //same for pipe 1. For pipes 2 to 5 is sent 1 Byte only. You can change only the Least Significant Byte.
TX_ADDR=0x10, //(3 to 5 bytes)Transmit address. Used for a PTX device only.(LSByte first). Set RX_ADDR_P0 equal to this address to handle automatic acknowledge if Enhanced ShockBurst enabled
RX_PW_P0=0x11, //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe0
RX_PW_P1,RX_PW_P2,RX_PW_P3,RX_PW_P4,RX_PW_P5, //same for pipes 1 to 5
EN_DYNAMIC_PAYLOAD=0x1C, //bits 0 to 5 enables in pipe0 to pipe5
//Memory addresses subitems
enum RF24_CONFIGURATION { //RF Configuration Register
MASK_RX_DR =0b01000000, //(0)Disable RX_DR interrupt.
MASK_TX_DR =0b00100000, //(0)Disable TX_DR Interrupt.
MASK_MAX_RT =0b00010000, //(0)Disable Max_retransmit interrupt
EN_CRC =0b00001000, //(1)Enable CRC. Forced high if one of the bits in the EN_AA is high
CRC8 =0b00000000, //(0)Enable 1byte CRC(8 bits) instead of two bytes(16 bits)
CRC16 =0b00000100, //(0)Enable 2bytes CRC(16 bits) instead of one byte(8 bits)
PWR_UP =0b00000010, //(0)Bit seteed if in power UP. cleared if in power Down.
PRIM_RX =0b00000001 //(0)RX/TX control. Put receiver in RX mode. 1: RX, 0: TX
enum RF24_SETUP { //RF Setup Register
CONT_WAVE =0b10000000, //(0)Enables continuous carrier transmit when high(TX is always on transmitting sinc signal)
PLL_LOCK =0b00010000, //(0)Force PLL lock signal. Only used in test
RF_DR_250kbps=0b00100000, //(0)Select between the low speed data rates.
RF_DR_1Mbps =0b00000000, //(0)Select between the medium speed data rates.
RF_DR_2Mbps =0b00001000, //(1)(default_mode)Select between the high speed data rates. This bitis don’t care if RF_DR_250kbps is set.
RF_PWR_n18dBm=0b00000000, //-18dBm. Set RF output power
RF_PWR_n12dBm=0b00000010, //-12dBm. Set RF output power
RF_PWR_n6dBm =0b00000100, //-6dBm. Set RF output power
RF_PWR_0dBm =0b00000110 //0dBm(default). Set RF output power
//Automated functions contemplated register
enum RF24_STATUS { //**Status Register (In parallel to the SPI command word applied on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is shifted serially out on the MISO pin)
IRQ_RX_dataready =0b01000000, //(0)Data Ready RX FIFO interrupt. Asserted when new data arrives RX FIFOc.Write 1 to clear bit.
IRQ_TX_datasent =0b00100000, //(0)Data Sent TX FIFO interrupt. Asserted when packet transmitted on TX. If AUTO_ACK is activated,this bit is set high only when ACK isreceived.Write 1 to clear bit.
IRQ_MAX_retransmit=0b00010000, //(0)Maximum number of TX retransmits interrupt Write 1 to clear bit. If asserted it must be cleared to enable further communication.
IRQ_ALL =0b01110000, //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
RX_PIPE0 =0b00000000, //(R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE1 =0b00000010, //(R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE2 =0b00000100, //(R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE3 =0b00000110, //(R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE4 =0b00001000, //(R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_PIPE5 =0b00001010, //(R)(bits 3:1)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
RX_BUFFER_EMPTY =0b00001110, //(R)Data pipe number for the payload available for reading from RX_FIFO 000-101: Data Pipe Number
TX_BUFFER_FULL =0b00000001 //(R)(0)TX FIFO full flag. 1: TX FIFO full. 0: Available locations in TX FIFO.
//Automated functions contemplated register
enum RF24_FIFO_STATUS { //**FIFO(I/O buffer) Status Register
TX_REUSE =0b01000000, //(R)Pulse the rfce high for at least 10µs to Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX_REUSE is set by the SPI command REUSE_TX_PL, and is reset by the SPI commands W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX
TX_FULL =0b00100000, //(R)TX FIFO buffer full flag
TX_EMPTY =0b00010000, //(R)TX FIFO buffer empty
RX_FULL =0b00000010, //(R)RX FIFO buffer full flag
RX_EMPTY =0b00000001 //(R)RX FIFO buffer empty
enum RF24_DYN_PAYLOAD_CONFIG { //(DPL)Dynamic payload length feature configuration register. Enable to be able to transmit variable data lenght packets(from 1 to 32 data bytes)
EN_DPL =0b00000100, //Enables Dynamic Payload Length(General DPL enable)
EN_ACK_PAY =0b00000010, //Enables Payload with ACK
EN_DYN_ACK =0b00000001, //Enables the W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK command
EN_DPL_ALL =0b00000111 //All DPL functions enabled
ACK_PAYLOAD //(W)(till 32 BYTES)ackPayload. Written by separate SPI command. ACK packet payload to data pipe number n given in SPI command. Used in RX mode only. Maximum three ACK packet payloads can be pending.
TX_PAYLOAD //(W)(till 32 BYTES)dada to send. Written by separate SPI command. TX data payload register 1 - 32 bytes. This register is implemented as a FIFO with three levels.
rx_PAYLOAD //(R)(till 32 BYTES)dada received. Read by separate SPI command. RX data payload register. 1 - 32 bytes. This register is implemented as a FIFO with three levels. All RX channels share the same FIFO.
_________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt
Last edited by Eduardo__ on Tue May 15, 2012 4:47 pm; edited 3 times in total |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
driver PART 2 |
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:38 pm |
Code: |
Single Chip 2.4GHz Transceiver Driver
Arquivo : nRF24L01P.C
Programador : Eduardo Guilherme Brandt
Criação : 17/11/2011 ( V 1.0 )
Modificado : 02/02/2012
Contato : [email protected]
Histórico : Versão 1.0 - 17/11/2011
Revision 1.1 - 29/01/2013
Functions :
See nRF24_commandList.c //Do not include this file. It´s just for reference.
Further information:
Ps: *Define SPI pins(RF24_CS, SPI_MISO, SPI_MOSI, SPI_CLK)
and control pins(RF24_CE, RF24_IRQ) for nRF24L01+
*Define SPI hardware controller stream RF24_SPI, too.
*SPI must be configured for more than 2Mbps.
*Software SPI can be too slow for. It can lead to a
poor system performance if slower than 4Mbps**
CCS PICC 4.124+,
uC with SPI
#device PASS_STRINGS=IN_RAM directive
spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, data, bits) //It has bugs in V4.124(not return read value). Some tricks was made.
see nRF24L01.h header file
ps: For more details, see nRF24L01+ datasheet.
Config example: See in RF24_default_config() function
Revision 1.1: The line below is a way of putting things work with hardware SPI in some CCS C compiller versions with some uCs. For example, with PIC16F876A hardware SPI it was not necessary. With software SPI it is never necessary. **You must comment(disable) every line with the code spi_read2() as the line below** in case the driver not work.
//rv = spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
Eduardo Guilherme Brandt 17/11/2011 */
#ifndef RF24_CS
#ERROR pino RF24_CS nao definido
#ifndef RF24_CE
#ERROR pino RF24_CE nao definido
#ifndef RF24_IRQ
#ERROR pino RF24_IRQ nao definido
#ifndef SPI_MISO
#ERROR pino SPI_MISO nao definido
#ifndef SPI_MOSI
#ERROR pino SPI_MOSI nao definido
#ifndef SPI_CLK
#ERROR pino SPI_CLK nao definido
#ifdef RF24_USE_DMA //nRF24 uses SPI DMA for multiple byte transfers
#warning Please, check if "spi_dma.c" is included
/*#ifdef RF24_PERFORMANCE_MODE //performance mode ON
#warning RF24 in performance mode. Not all call functions parameters checks are make.
#warning Initialize RF24_SPI stream for SPI communication with nRF24L01, as below:
#warning #USE SPI(SPI2, MASTER, BAUD=1000000, MODE=0, BITS=8, MSB_FIRST, STREAM=RF24_SPI) //this will set SPI in 4MHz(maximum for 16MHz Xtal. #Use SPI is a little buggy)
#warning At V4.124 compiler version, SPI must be SPI2, due to CCS compiler bug
#warning #define RF24_SPI_DISABLE_WARNING for disabling nRF24 SPI warning message.
#ifndef RF24_PWUPDELAY
#define RF24_PWUPDELAY() delay_ms(2) //Delay power on nRF24L01+
#ifndef RF24_CSDELAY
#define RF24_CSDELAY() delay_us(10) //em us
#include <nRF24L01P.h> //HEADER FILE
*************************SPI handshake and I/O commands***********************************
*************************SPI handshake and I/O commands***********************************
*************************SPI handshake and I/O commands***********************************
* ex:
* RF24_select(); //Controls bit Chipselect
#define RF24_xfer(xdata) spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, xdata) //Send/receive data through SPI(controls RF24_CS manualy)___DON´T USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS FOR MORE THAN 1 xdata PARAMETER
#define RF24_select() output_low(RF24_CS) //Controls bit Chipselect
#define RF24_unselect() output_high(RF24_CS) //Controls bit Chipselect
#define RF24_enable() output_high(RF24_CE) //Controls bit Chipenable
#define RF24_disable() output_low(RF24_CE) //Controls bit Chipenable
#define RF24_IRQ_state() !input(RF24_IRQ) //IsOn when receive or transmit Data IRQ asserted
* RF24_comm_in : Send command and receive input(variable lenght, or fixed only 1 input byte)
* RF24_comm_out: Send command and send output(variable lenght)
* Dependencies:
* Parameters:
* comm: command to send(before sending or receiving data)
* datain: pointer to data array for receiving
* dataout: pointer to data array for sending
* dataSZ: data size(number of bytes for receiving into "datain" pointer)
* ex:
* data=RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION); //Read RF24 config register(receive only one byte into data variable)
* RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, *address, 3); //Send command R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0. After that, receives 3 bytes to array(or pointer). You can send strings directly
* RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|TX_ADDR_P0, *address, 5); //Writes 5 bytes from pointer address. Please, set RX address too(for shockburst auto acknowledge)
* RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|TX_ADDR_P0, "test", 4); //Writes 4 ascii bytes from pointer(string "test"). You can put strings directly
int RF24_comm_in(int comm) { //Send command and receive input(receive only one byte)
int rv;
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv = RF24_xfer(0);
rv = spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Returns read value
void RF24_comm_in(int comm, char *datain, int dataSZ) { //Send command and receive input(dataSZ=number of input bytes)(datain=pointer to data for receiving)
#ifndef RF24_USE_DMA int i; #endif
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
#ifdef RF24_USE_DMA
DMA_read(dataSZ, datain); //Simple DMA Read and start transfer
DMA_start(); //Start DMA transfer
while(DMA_is_busy()); //DMA is working
#else //Programed IO mode(Normal mode)
for(i=0;i<dataSZ;i++) {
*(datain+i)=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
int RF24_comm_out(int comm, char *dataout, int dataSZ) { //Send command and send output string(dataSZ=number of bytes to output)(dataout=pointer to data for sending)
#ifndef RF24_USE_DMA int i; #endif
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
#ifdef RF24_USE_DMA
DMA_write(dataSZ, dataout); //Simple DMA Write and start transfer
DMA_start(); //Start DMA transfer
while(DMA_is_busy()); //DMA is working
#else //Programed IO mode(Normal mode)
for(i=0;i<dataSZ;i++) {
//rv = RF24_xfer(); //just catch last spi_xfer received byte)
//rv = spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
* Send command (1 or 2 bytes), return status value of nRF24L01
* parameters:
* comm, comm1 : Commands to send
* commDS : Comm1 datasize in bits(8 to 32 bits, from lsb to msb)
* returns : It only returns nRF24 general STATUS register(see RF24_STATUS enum)
* ex:
* RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, PWR_UP); //RF_packet CRC and nRF24L01+ configuration //1. Set PWR_UP = 1 and PRIM_RX = 0 in the CONFIG register.
* RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P1, 0xA1A2A4, 24); //Address of data pipe 1. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first). //Address was set as 0xA1A2A4 24bits(3 bytes)
int RF24_comm(int comm) {
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
rv=RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
int RF24_comm(int comm, int comm1) {
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=RF24_xfer(comm1); //Write config.value or command
rv=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
int RF24_comm(int comm, int32 comm1, int commDS) { //commDS=datasize(1 to 32 bits)
int rv; //rv=return value(SPI nRF24 status read value)
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
rv=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, comm1, commDS);//Write config.value or command(1 to 32 bits of data)___I CANNOT USE RF24_xfer() ALIAS BECAUSE IT NOT ACCEPTS MORE THAN 1 PARAMETER
rv=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
return rv; //Return last read value
*************************General Driver commands******************************************
*************************General Driver commands******************************************
*************************General Driver commands******************************************
//General command functions
#define RF24_FLUSH_TX() RF24_comm(FLUSH_TX) //Flush TX FIFO, used in TX mode
#define RF24_FLUSH_RX() RF24_comm(FLUSH_RX) //Flush RX FIFO, used in RX mode. Should not be executed during transmission of acknowledge, that is, acknowledge package will not be completed.
#define RF24_REUSE_TX_PL() RF24_comm(REUSE_TX_PL) //(do not check for errors like TX_EMPTY)Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
#define RF24_R_RX_PL_WID() RF24_comm_in(R_RX_PL_WID) //Read RX payload width for the top R_RX_PAYLOAD in the RX FIFO. Note: Flush RX FIFO if the read value is larger than 32 bytes.
#define RF24_W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK() RF24_comm(W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK) //Disables AUTOACK on this specific packet
//to be defined in function #define RF24_W_ACK_PAYLOAD(xpipe) RF24_comm(W_ACK_PAYLOAD&(xpipe&0b00000111))
//bits 0 to 2(value 0 a 5) Used in RX mode. Write Payload to be transmitted together with ACK packet on choosen Pipenumber(0 to 5). (Pipenumber valid in the range from 000 to 101[0d0 a 0d5]). Maximum three ACK packet payloads can be pending. Payloads with same pipenumber are handled using first in - first out principle. Write payload: 1– 32 bytes. A write operation always starts at byte 0.
//Several defined return functions(returns directly into input variable)
#define RF24_lost_packets() RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|OBSERVE_TX)>>4 //Know how many packets was lost during Transmition(with autoack feature enabled)
#define RF24_retry_packets() RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|OBSERVE_TX)&0b00001111 //Know how many retrys for transmit data(TX)(with autoack feature enabled)
#define RF24_RX_power_detector() RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_POWER_DETECTOR) //Returns 1 if power is over -65dbm
#define RF24_setup_autoretry(delay,retrys) RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|SETUP_AUTORETRANSMISSION, (delay&0b11110000)|(retrys&0b00001111))
//delay=0to15(250 to 4000us)(delay between retrys, see datasheet), retrys=0to15(How many TX retrys)
//FIFO_STATUS defined functions(read fifo_status before check bits)
#define RF24_FIFO_STATUS() RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|FIFO_STATUS) //Returns FIFO_STATUS Register
#define RF24_FIFO_STATUS_TX_REUSE(fstat) bit_test(fstat, 6) //(R)make RF24_enable for at least 10µs to Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX_REUSE is set by the SPI command REUSE_TX_PL, and is reset by the SPI commands W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX
#define RF24_FIFO_STATUS_TX_FULL(fstat) bit_test(fstat, 5) //(R)TX FIFO buffer full flag
#define RF24_FIFO_STATUS_TX_EMPTY(fstat) bit_test(fstat, 4) //(R)TX FIFO buffer empty
#define RF24_FIFO_STATUS_RX_FULL(fstat) bit_test(fstat, 1) //(R)RX FIFO buffer full flag
#define RF24_FIFO_STATUS_RX_EMPTY(fstat) bit_test(fstat, 0) //(R)RX FIFO buffer empty
//General STATUS register defined functions(read RF24 status[RF24_get_status()] before check bits)
//ex: RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(RF24_get_status());
#define RF24_get_status() RF24_comm(NOP) //Get nRF24 STATUS register in a fast way: It sends NO OPERATION command byte while receives STATUS register byte.
#define RF24_STATUS_extract_pipe_number(xstat) ((xstat&0b00001110)>>1) //Return received pipe number(0 to 5)
#define RF24_STATUS_RX_buffer_empty(xstat) (((xstat&RX_BUFFER_EMPTY)==RX_BUFFER_EMPTY)?true:false) //return true if RX_buffer_empty
#define RF24_STATUS_TX_buffer_full(xstat) bit_test(xstat, 0) //return true if TX_buffer_full
//Before commands below, use RF24_IRQ_state() to check if some interrupt occurred
#define RF24_STATUS_RX_dataready_IRQ(xstat) bit_test(xstat, 6) //return true if buffer_empty
#define RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(xstat) bit_test(xstat, 5) //return true if buffer_empty
#define RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(xstat) bit_test(xstat, 4) //return true if buffer_empty
//IRQs must be cleared through this command.
#define RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(xstat) RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|STATUS, xstat) //clear selected IRQs(in xstat)
//RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_RX_dataready|IRQ_TX_datasent|IRQ_MAX_retransmit); //select IRQs to be cleared, or
//RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //clear all possible IRQs
//NOT_WORKS #define RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(xstat) RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|STATUS, (xstat&=IRQ_ALL) ) //clear selected IRQs(in xstat)
* Inicialize tris ports of uC
* ex: RF24_initPorts();
void RF24_initPorts() {
int1 a;
a=input(RF24_IRQ); //set tris register to input
//SPI initial states
a=input(SPI_MISO); //set tris register to input
output_low (SPI_MOSI);
output_low (SPI_CLK);
* Inicializa configuracao padrao nRF24L01+ (Ititializes default configuration for chip)
* ex: RF24_defconf();
void RF24_default_config() { //Ititializes default configuration for chip nRF24L01+
#ifdef RF24_USE_DMA
DMA_default_config(); //Sets default DMA configuration
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, EN_CRC|CRC16|PWR_UP); //RF_packet CRC and nRF24L01+ configuration and initialization
//RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, CRC16|PWR_UP); //NO_CRC, RF_packet CRC and nRF24L01+ configuration and initialization
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|EN_AUTOACK, 0b00011111); //autoack in pipe 0,1,2,3,4 and 5
//RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|EN_AUTOACK, 0b00000000); //autoack in pipe 0,1,2,3,4 and 5
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|EN_RXPIPES, 0b00000011); //****enable only pipes 0 and 1(pipes 2 to 5 are not used)
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|SETUP_ADDRESSWIDTH, 1); //addresswidth setting[1 to 3(3 to 5 bytes)]
//ADDRESSWIDTH = 1 -> it means 3 bytes
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|SETUP_AUTORETRANSMISSION, //[7:4(250 to 4000us) autoretry delay, 3:0(0 to 15)Auto retry times]
0b00011111); //waitretry 500us , retry 15times //ARD=500µs is long enough for any ACK payload length in 1 or 2Mbps mode
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RF_CHANNEL, 0); //Set RF channel. F0= 2400 + RF_CHANNEL [MHz]. Use 1 channel of space for 250kbps to 1Mbps radios and 2 channels of space between 2Mbps radios.
//RF channel=0(2400MHz)
RF_DR_2Mbps|RF_PWR_0dBm); //Datarate 2Mbps. PowerAmplifier in 0dBm.
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|STATUS, //Status Register (In parallel to the SPI command word applied on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is shifted serially out on the MISO pin)
IRQ_RX_dataready|IRQ_TX_datasent|IRQ_MAX_retransmit); //Clear these tree interrupts
//RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
// 0xA1A2A300, 32); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes, the last fourth byte was written as 0x00)
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
"0rdda", 5 ); //Address ascii "addr0"(5 bytes), LSB first. Because of that, it is writed on the contrary.
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P1, //Receive address data pipe 1. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
"1rdda", 5 ); //Address ascii "addr1"(5 bytes), LSB first. Because of that, it is writed on the contrary.
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P2, //Receive address data pipe 2. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
'2', 1); //Address ascii "addr2" (I can change only the LsByte)
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P3, //Receive address data pipe 3. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
'3', 1); //Address ascii "addr3" (I can change only the LsByte)
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P4, //Receive address data pipe 4. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
'4', 1); //Address ascii "addr4" (I can change only the LsByte)
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P5, //Receive address data pipe 5. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
'5', 1); //Address ascii "addr5" (I can change only the LsByte)
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|TX_ADDR, //(3 to 5 bytes)Transmit address. Used for a PTX device only.(LSByte first). Set RX_ADDR_P0 equal to this address to handle automatic acknowledge if Enhanced ShockBurst enabled
"0rdda", 5 ); //Address ascii "addr0"(5 bytes), LSB first. Because of that, it is writed on the contrary.
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_PW_P0, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe0 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_PW_P1, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe1 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_PW_P2, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe2 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_PW_P3, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe3 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_PW_P4, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe4 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RX_PW_P5, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe5 set to 32 bytes
//although other pipes(pipe 2 to 5) are not used(see EN_RXPIPES setting)
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|EN_DYNAMIC_PAYLOAD,//bits 0 to 5 enables in pipe0 to pipe5
0b00111111); //Dynamic payload Enabled in all pipes(pipe 0 to 5)
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|DYN_PAYLOAD_CONFIG,//Enables (DPL)Dynamic payload length feature. Enable to be able to transmit variable data lenght packets(from 1 to 32 data bytes)
EN_DPL|EN_ACK_PAY|EN_DYN_ACK); //All DPL functions enabled
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|FLUSH_RX); //Delete RX buffer(already transfered to buffer)
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|FLUSH_TX); //Delete TX buffer(already transfered to buffer)
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //clear IRQs
* Constant carrier wave output for testing:
* (TX is always on transmitting sinc signal)
* The output power of a radio is a critical factor for achieving wanted range. Output
* power is also the first test criteria needed to qualify for all telecommunication regulations.
* Datasheet, see last page.
void RF24_waveout_testing(int channel) { //TX is always on transmitting sinc signal
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, //RF_packet CRC and nRF24L01+ configuration
PWR_UP); //1. Set PWR_UP = 1 and PRIM_RX = 0 in the CONFIG register.
RF24_PWUPDELAY(); //2. Wait 1.5ms PWR_UP->standby.
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RF_SETUP, //3. In the RF register set: CONT_WAVE = 1. PLL_LOCK = 1. RF_PWR.
CONT_WAVE|PLL_LOCK|RF_DR_2Mbps|RF_PWR_0dBm); //Datarate 2Mbps. PowerAmplifier in 0dBm.
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|RF_CHANNEL, channel);//4. Set the wanted RF channel. //If RF channel=0(2400MHz)(increases 1MHz per channel)
RF24_enable(); //5. Set CE high.
// //6. Keep CE high as long as the carrier is needed.
* Enhanced ShockBurst transmitting payload:
* Datasheet, see page 75.
int RF24_TX_SET() { //Enhanced ShockBurst transmitting payload(return 1 if ok, return other number if error)
int data;
data=RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION); //Read RF24 config register
if ((data&PWR_UP)!=PWR_UP) return 0x02; //Error: Turn PWR_UP on before transmit
data&=~PRIM_RX; //1. Set the configuration bit PRIM_RX low.
RF24_comm(W_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, data); //rewrite config data with PRIM_RX off(transmitter mode)//RF24_PWUPDELAY();
RF24_enable(); //3. A high pulse on CE starts the transmission. The minimum pulse width on CE is 10µs.
2. When the application MCU has data to transmit, clock the address for the receiving node
(TX_ADDR) and payload data (TX_PLD) into nRF24L01+ through the SPI. The width of TX-payload
is counted from the number of bytes written into the TX FIFO from the MCU. TX_PLD must
be written continuously while holding CSN low. TX_ADDR does not have to be rewritten if it is
unchanged from last transmit. If the PTX device shall receive acknowledge, configure data pipe 0
to receive the ACK packet. The RX address for data pipe 0 (RX_ADDR_P0) must be equal to the
TX address (TX_ADDR) in the PTX device. For the example in Figure 14. on page 41 perform the
following address settings for the TX5 device and the RX device:
TX5 device: TX_ADDR = 0xB3B4B5B605
TX5 device: RX_ADDR_P0 = 0xB3B4B5B605
RX device: RX_ADDR_P5 = 0xB3B4B5B605
4. nRF24L01+ ShockBurst:
Radio is powered up.
16MHz internal clock is started.
RF packet is completed (see the packet description).
Data is transmitted at high speed (1Mbps or 2Mbps configured by MCU).
5. If auto acknowledgement is activated (ENAA_P0=1) the radio goes into RX mode immediately,
unless the NO_ACK bit is set in the received packet. If a valid packet is received in the valid
acknowledgement time window, the transmission is considered a success. The TX_DS bit in the
STATUS register is set high and the payload is removed from TX FIFO. If a valid ACK packet is
not received in the specified time window, the payload is retransmitted (if auto retransmit is
enabled). If the auto retransmit counter (ARC_CNT) exceeds the programmed maximum limit
(ARC), the MAX_RT bit in the STATUS register is set high. The payload in TX FIFO is NOT
removed. The IRQ pin is active when MAX_RT or TX_DS is high. To turn off the IRQ pin, reset the
interrupt source by writing to the STATUS register (see Interrupt chapter). If no ACK packet is
received for a packet after the maximum number of retransmits, no further packets can be transmitted
before the MAX_RT interrupt is cleared. The packet loss counter (PLOS_CNT) is incremented
at each MAX_RT interrupt. That is, ARC_CNT counts the number of retransmits that were
required to get a single packet through. PLOS_CNT counts the number of packets that did not get
through after the maximum number of retransmits.
6. nRF24L01+ goes into standby-I mode if CE is low. Otherwise, next payload in TX FIFO is transmitted.
If TX FIFO is empty and CE is still high, nRF24L01+ enters standby-II mode.
7. If nRF24L01+ is in standby-II mode, it goes to standby-I mode immediately if CE is set low.
return 1; //Operation success
* Enhanced ShockBurst receiving payload:
* Datasheet, see page 76.
int RF24_RX_SET() { //Enhanced ShockBurst receiving payload(return 1 if ok, return other number if error)
int i,data;
if ((i&RX_FULL)==RX_FULL) return 0; //Error: RX FIFO buffer full flag, must be read before receive new packets(REVISION 1.1)
if ((data&PWR_UP)!=PWR_UP) return 0x02; //Error: Turn PWR_UP on before transmit
data|=PRIM_RX; //1. Select RX by setting the PRIM_RX bit in the CONFIG register to high.
All data pipes that receive
data must be enabled (EN_RXADDR register), enable auto acknowledgement for all pipes running
Enhanced ShockBurst (EN_AA register), and set the correct payload widths (RX_PW_Px registers).
Set up addresses as described in item 2 in the Enhanced ShockBurst transmitting payload
example above.
RF24_enable(); //2. Start Active RX mode by setting CE high.
// //3. After 130µs nRF24L01+ monitors the air for incoming communication.
/*4. When a valid packet is received (matching address and correct CRC), the payload is stored in the
RX-FIFO, and the RX_DR bit in STATUS register is set high. The IRQ pin is active when RX_DR is
high. RX_P_NO in STATUS register indicates what data pipe the payload has been received in.
5. If auto acknowledgement is enabled, an ACK packet is transmitted back, unless the NO_ACK bit
is set in the received packet. If there is a payload in the TX_PLD FIFO, this payload is added to
the ACK packet.*/
//RF24_disable(); //6. MCU sets the CE pin low to enter standby-I mode (low current mode).
// //7. MCU can clock out the payload data at a suitable rate through the SPI.
// //8. nRF24L01+ is now ready for entering TX or RX mode or power down mode.
return true; //Success
* Change address for transmiting data:
* Parameters:
* address : transmit address
* addrsize : address size in bits(3 to 5 bytes). (can be int32, array or pointer)
* ShockBurst: set true if shockburst is active(because it have to change TX and RX receive address)
* returns //True if ok. 0 if error
* Ex:
* RF24_TX_setaddress(*addr, 5, true) or //5 bytes address lenght read from pointer *addr, set. Shockburst on mode(Sets Pipe0 receive address as the same).
* RF24_TX_setaddress("6aA7G", 5, true) //5 bytes address lenght(ascii) read and set as "6aA7G". Shockburst on mode(Sets Pipe0 receive address as the same).
short int RF24_TX_setaddress(char *address, int addrsize, short int ShockBurst) { //Change address for transmiting data(with or without shockburst)
if ((addrsize<3)||(addrsize>5)) return 0; //Error: Wrong address size
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|TX_ADDR, address, addrsize); //Set TX address
if (ShockBurst) { //Set RX_ADDR_P0 equal to this address to handle automatic acknowledge if Enhanced ShockBurst enabled
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, address, addrsize); //Set RX address(for shockburst auto acknowledge)
return true; //Success
* Transmit data(1 to 32 bytes) to actual address:
* Parameters:
* datasize : number of bytes in TX pointer_buffer(1 to 32) for transmiting
* burst : This function disable packet acknowledge receiving. It makes the link less reliable, but tree times faster.
* true: No returning acknowledge(triplicates datarate in 2Mbps). You can reach max. transfer speed(200KByte/s).
* false: Without burst, the max speed is 70KByte/s(It´s good when in low power, long range or noise is present).
* buffer : buffer where data for transmiting is
* returns : Returns true(1) if data put into buffer. Other if not(error)
int RF24_TX_putbuffer(short int burst, int datasize, char *buffer) {//Transmit data(1 to 32 bytes) to actual address
int i;
if ((datasize==0)||(datasize>32)) return 2; //datasize must be 1 to 32
i = RF24_get_status(); //receive status data in i.
if (RF24_STATUS_TX_buffer_full(i)) return 3; //error: buffer full(Flush TX buffer)
if (RF24_IRQ_state()) { //Check what interrupt was set
if (RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(i)) return 4; //Error: TX interrupt not cleared
if (RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(i)) return 5;//Error: TX interrupt MAX_RETRYS not cleared
//Load data to nRF24L01+
if (burst==true) //No returning acknowledge(triplicates datarate in 2Mbps)
RF24_comm_out(W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK, buffer, datasize); //Send command and send output string(dataSZ=number of bytes to output)(dataout=pointer to data for sending)
else //Normal(waits for aknowledge). It´s good when in low power, long range or noise is present.
RF24_comm_out(W_TX_PAYLOAD, buffer, datasize); //Send command and send output string(dataSZ=number of bytes to output)(dataout=pointer to data for sending)
return true; //Data transmited
* Ckeck TX acknowledge register:
* returns //Returns true(1) if data transmited(with ACK received). Other if not(error)
* Retransmit last TX data present in TX buffer.
* returns : Returns true(1) if data transmited(with ACK received). Other if not(error)
* ps : FLUX_TX if do not want to retransmit infinitely
int RF24_TX_reusebuffer() { //Retransmit last TX data present in TX buffer
int i;
if (i==TX_EMPTY) return 0; //Error: TX_Flushed
//Load data to nRF24L01+
RF24_comm(REUSE_TX_PL); //Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
return true; //Success
* Receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer:
* Parameters:
* pipe //return number of received pipe(0 to 5)
* datasize //return number of received bytes in RX buffer(1 to 32)
* buffer //32bytes buffer for received data(can be a pointer or an array)
* returns //Returns true(1) if data received. False(0) if not
int RF24_RX_getbuffer(int *pipe, int *datasize, char *buffer) { //Receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer
int i;
RF24_enable(); //Enables receiver
if (!RF24_IRQ_state()) return 0; //No data received(no IRQ set)
i = RF24_get_status(); //receive status data in i.
if (!RF24_STATUS_RX_dataready_IRQ(i)) return 2; //No data received(another IRQ was set)
*pipe = RF24_STATUS_extract_pipe_number(i); //Extract received pipe number(0 to 5)
*datasize = RF24_comm_in(R_RX_PL_WID); //Read RX payload width for the top R_RX_PAYLOAD in the RX FIFO.
if (*datasize>32 || *datasize==0) { //Note: Flush RX FIFO if the read value is larger than 32 bytes.
RF24_comm(FLUSH_RX); //Delete RX buffer
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_RX_dataready); //clear RX IRQ
return 3; //RX error
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_RX_dataready); //clear RX IRQ
//RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //clear All irqs
//Load data from nRF24L01+
RF24_comm_in(R_RX_PAYLOAD, buffer, *datasize); //Read RX-payload: 1 – 32 bytes. A read operation always starts at byte 0. Payload is deleted from FIFO after it is read. Used in RX mode.
return true; //Data received
* Beep if there is RFsignal stronger that -64dB on choosen channel
* returns //Returns true(1) if data received. False(0) if not
#define buzzer_on() set_pwm1_duty(61) //Liga Buzzer
#define buzzer_off() set_pwm1_duty(0) //Desliga Buzzer
int RF24_check_rfsignal() { //Beep if there is RFsignal stronger that -64dB on choosen channel
int rfstat=0;
while(true) {
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_POWER_DETECTOR, &rfstat, 1);
if (rfstat==0) {
buzzer_off(); delay_ms(1);
return false; }
else {
buzzer_on(); delay_ms(1);
return true;
* Check actual configuration
* (only for debugging purposes, stop in each delay)
void RF24_check_config() { //Check actual configuration(only for debugging purposes, stop in each delay)
int bbuf[40];
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, bbuf, 1); //EN_CRC|CRC16|PWR_UP); //RF_packet CRC and nRF24L01+ configuration and initialization
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|EN_AUTOACK, bbuf, 1); //0b00011111); //autoack in pipe 0,1,2,3,4 and 5
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|EN_RXPIPES, bbuf, 1); //0b00000011); //****enable only pipes 0 and 1(pipes 2 to 5 are not used)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|SETUP_ADDRESSWIDTH, bbuf, 1); //, 1); //addresswidth setting[1 to 3(3 to 5 bytes)]//ADDRESSWIDTH = 1 -> it means 3 bytes
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|SETUP_AUTORETRANSMISSION, bbuf, 1); //[7:4(250 to 4000us) autoretry delay, 3:0(0 to 15)Auto retry times]
//0b00011111); //waitretry 500us , retry 15times //ARD=500µs is long enough for any ACK payload length in 1 or 2Mbps mode
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RF_CHANNEL, bbuf, 1); //, 0); //Set RF channel. F0= 2400 + RF_CHANNEL [MHz]. Use 1 channel of space for 250kbps to 1Mbps radios and 2 channels of space between 2Mbps radios.//RF channel=0(2400MHz)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RF_SETUP, bbuf, 1); //, RF_DR_2Mbps|RF_PWR_0dBm); //Datarate 2Mbps. PowerAmplifier in 0dBm.
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|STATUS, bbuf, 1); //, //Status Register (In parallel to the SPI command word applied on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is shifted serially out on the MISO pin)
//IRQ_RX_dataready|IRQ_TX_datasent|IRQ_MAX_retransmit); //Clear these tree interrupts
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, bbuf, 5);//PROBLEMA( bbuf=0x00A1A2 ) //, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
//0xA1A2A3, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P1, bbuf, 5);//PROBLEMA( bbuf=0x00A1A2 ) //, //Receive address data pipe 1. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
//0xA1A2A4, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A4 24bits(3 bytes)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|TX_ADDR, bbuf, 5); //, //(3 to 5 bytes)Transmit address. Used for a PTX device only.(LSByte first). Set RX_ADDR_P0 equal to this address to handle automatic acknowledge if Enhanced ShockBurst enabled
//0xA1A2A3, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_PW_P0, bbuf, 1); //, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe0 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_PW_P1, bbuf, 1); //, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe1 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|EN_DYNAMIC_PAYLOAD, bbuf, 1); //,//bits 0 to 5 enables in pipe0 to pipe5
//0b00111111); //Dynamic payload Enabled in all pipes(pipe 0 to 5)
* Driver use example 1: Receiving data
* ps: At first, set nRF24L01 SPI and control PINS
* Then, include driver file.
* Now, that´s all right
void RF24_driver_use_example_RXdata() { //Example of using this driver
int RXbuffer1[32], RXbuffer2[32], RXbuffer3[32];
int RXbuffer4[32], RXbuffer5[32];
int RXdatasize, RXpipe;
//int TXbuffer[40], TXdatasize; //not necessary
//int stat=0,fstat=0,retrys,lost,ret; //
//int i=false;
//RF24_check_config(); //check configuration
RF24_RX_SET(); //Receiver on
while(true) {
while ( RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer1)!=true ); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
while ( RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer2)!=true ); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
while ( RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer3)!=true ); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
while ( RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer4)!=true ); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
while ( RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer5)!=true ); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
/*while (!i) {
i=RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer1); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
if (!i) buzzer_off();
else { buzzer_on(); delay_ms(10); buzzer_off(); }
//RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//buzzer_on(); delay_ms(1); buzzer_off(); //Beepa Buzzer
* Driver use example 2: Transmiting data(Using 3 level FIFO buffering, for achieve high trasfer speed)
* ps: At first, set nRF24L01 SPI and control PINS
* Then, include driver file.
* Now, that´s all right
* put RF24_TX_putbuffer(true,32, "... for enabling burst and reach 2Mbps
void RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata() { //Example of using this driver
//int TXbuffer[40], TXdatasize; //not necessary
//int stat=0,fstat=0,retrys,lost,ret;
int stat=0,retrys,lost,ret;
RF24_TX_SET(); //Transmitter on
//USE the 3 nRF24 FIFO buffer stacks
//This procedure increases performance
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack1"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
//now, you can write FIFO stack2 while nRF is transmiting
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack2"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
while(true) { //Enter transmit mode infinitely
/*//now, you can write FIFO stack3, filling the last nRF24 FIFO space
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(true, 32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack3"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
if (ret!=1) { //if error occurred(if you passed wrong parameters or something else...)
//RF24_TX_reusebuffer(); //Retransmit last TX data present in TX buffer
RF24_comm(REUSE_TX_PL); //Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
lost=RF24_lost_packets(); //How how many packets was lost during Transmition
retrys=RF24_retry_packets(); //How how many retrys for transmit data(TX)
continue; //return begining of while
//now, you can write FIFO stack3, filling the last nRF24 FIFO space
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack3"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
//Do this to read each of 3 filled FIFO buffer stacks
while(true) {
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
if (RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(stat)) break; //Fifo 1 transfered
else { //if (RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(stat)) {
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//RF24_comm(REUSE_TX_PL); //Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
//You can check statistic regiters if you want to
//lost=RF24_lost_packets(); //How how many packets was lost during Transmition
//retrys=RF24_retry_packets(); //How how many retrys for transmit data(TX)
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//now, you can write FIFO stack3, filling the last nRF24 FIFO space
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack1"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
//Do this to read each of 3 filled FIFO buffer stacks
while(true) {
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
if (RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(stat)) break; //Fifo 2 transfered
else { //if (RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(stat)) {
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//RF24_comm(REUSE_TX_PL); //Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
//You can check statistic regiters if you want to
//lost=RF24_lost_packets(); //How how many packets was lost during Transmition
//retrys=RF24_retry_packets(); //How how many retrys for transmit data(TX)
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//now, you can write FIFO stack3, filling the last nRF24 FIFO space
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack2"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
//Do this to read each of 3 filled FIFO buffer stacks
while(true) {
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
if (RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(stat)) break; //Fifo 3 transfered
else { //if (RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(stat)) {
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//RF24_comm(REUSE_TX_PL); //Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
//You can check statistic regiters if you want to
lost=RF24_lost_packets(); //How how many packets was lost during Transmition
retrys=RF24_retry_packets(); //How how many retrys for transmit data(TX)
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//You must check and clear IRQ to assert that two last packets was sent(They remain in FIFO stack)
/*while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time*/
/*while(true) {
RF24_TX_reusebuffer(); //Retransmit last TX data present in TX buffer
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
if (RF24_STATUS_TX_datasent_IRQ(stat)) //return true if buffer_empty
delay_ms(1); //ACK Received OK
if (RF24_STATUS_MAX_retrys_reached_IRQ(stat)) //return true if trnasmit error
delay_ms(1); //ACK not Received
lost=RF24_lost_packets(); //How how many packets was lost during Transmition
retrys=RF24_retry_packets(); //How how many retrys for transmit data(TX)
//RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//RF24_TX_reusebuffer(); //Retransmit last TX data present in TX buffer
//RF24_REUSE_TX_PL(); //(do not check for errors like TX_EMPTY)Reuse last transmitted payload. TX payload reuse is active until W_TX_PAYLOAD or FLUSH TX is executed. TX payload reuse must not be activated or deactivated during package transmission.
//RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
//output_toggle(INDICACAO_LED); //Show something is happening
* Driver use example 3: Transmiting data(simple withou 3 level fifo)
* ps: At first, set nRF24L01 SPI and control PINS
* Then, include driver file.
* Now, that´s all right
* put RF24_TX_putbuffer(true,32, "... for enabling burst and reach 2Mbps
void RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata_simple() { //Example of using this driver
RF24_TX_SET(); //Transmitter on
while(true) { //Enter transmit mode infinitely
//now, you can write FIFO stack1
RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack1"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
//Do this to check each data transfer
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false); //Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
|  _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt
Last edited by Eduardo__ on Wed May 15, 2013 8:43 pm; edited 2 times in total |
Joined: 29 Feb 2012 Posts: 2
Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:41 pm |
Very nice work, man. I didn't understand your code (how to define the pins and how to send / receive messages), can you show us an exemple (maybe using a 16F877).
Nice work again! |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:13 pm |
Include the driver. it will asks you for the pins.
Read the top instructions of nRF24L01P.c file.
On the botton, there´re 3 examples using the driver. _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 29 Feb 2012 Posts: 2
Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:25 pm |
OK! I got lost because the code is too long. Which PIC did you use with your code? |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:11 pm |
You can use with any pic with more than 4k of memory.
I tested with PIC18F26J11 and PIC18F26J50. _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 11 Apr 2012 Posts: 30
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:57 pm |
Thank you very much Eduardo for your library, I will manage to use it but I need one more explication. When you say "it will asks you for the pins. " You mean I should set the pin, but where do you advise to set them and how (I am not sure to have seen any place where you ask it or give an example) ? in your example you say: "At first, set nRF24L01 SPI and control PINS" but you don't say where, in the main file would be all right like :
Code: | RF24_CS = pin_B4;
RF24_CE = pin_A2;
... |
Could you provide an example with both write and read statement ?
Thank you |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 5:48 am |
See DEFINE OPTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS in the first file on the topic.
How to do:
Code: |
#USE SPI(SPI2, MASTER, BAUD=1000000, MODE=0, BITS=8, MSB_FIRST, STREAM=STREAM_SPI2) //this will set SPI in 4MHz(maximum for 16MHz Xtal. #Use SPI is a little buggy)
//SPI2 PINS(It´s for my uC, because I´m using hardware I2C)
#pin_select SDI2=PIN_C6 //RP17
#pin_select SDO2=PIN_C7 //RP18
#pin_select SCK2OUT=PIN_B0 //RP3
//********** DEFINE PORT NAMES
#define SPI_MISO PIN_C2 //RC2,RP13; SPI(Usar por hardware)
#define SPI_MOSI PIN_C7 //RC7,RP18; SPI(Usar por hardware)
#define SPI_CLK PIN_B0 //RB0,RP3; SPI(Usar por hardware)
#define INDICACAO_LED PIN_A1 //RA1,RP1; just a test LED output
//Driver nRF24L01P.C
#define RF24_IRQ PIN_C5 //RC5,RP16; interrupcao nRF24L01
#define RF24_CS PIN_B1 //RB1,RP4; chipselect nRF24L01+
#define RF24_CE PIN_B2 //RB2,RP5; chipEnable nRF24L01+
#define RF24_PERFORMANCE_MODE //performance mode ON
#define RF24_USE_DMA //nRF24 uses SPI DMA for multiple byte transfers(I´m using Hardware DMA)
#define RF24_SPI STREAM_SPI2//Redirects SPI2 port to RS24_SPI stream
//INCLUDES_2 - Drivers
#include <spi_dma_PIC18F24J11.c> //PIC18F24J11 DMA driver(I have another topic with this driver. It´s not essential)
#include <nRF24L01P.C> //Driver nRF24L01+ Single Chip 2.4GHz Transceiver Driver
_________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 11 Apr 2012 Posts: 30
Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:26 am |
That's great thank you very much |
Joined: 11 Apr 2012 Posts: 30
Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:41 am |
Hello Eduardo, as I implemented you files and built my project, i got some buildings errors on your nRF24L01P.C
Attempt to create a pointer to a constant on line:
Code: | RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack3"); |
I got 10 errors like this one, either with RF24_TX_putbuffer or RF24_comm_out
I can't figure out why.. do you have an idea ?
edit: ok this was because I didn't add " PASS_STRINGS=IN_RAM" line
But I am not sure about the DEVICE, ICD and HIGH_INTS.. I'm using PIC18LF2550
However according to the example you gave, I wanted to adapt your pin configuration to be able to use SPI pin for SPI2, but I also get errors :
Invalid Pre-Processor directive Invalid Pin on lines :
Code: | #pin_select SDI2=PIN_B0
#pin_select SDO2=PIN_C7
#pin_select SCK2OUT=PIN_B1 |
don't you have the same errors ?
You are using SPI2, do you do that because you are using SPI1 or because of the spi_xfer() bug ? |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:31 am |
Probably your uC does not accept #pin_select directive.
Only some Microchip uCs support this.
Configure the hardware and pins to SPI1, according your uC capabilities.
Bye ;) _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 14 May 2012 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:13 pm |
Hello champions,
I don't know C and was wondering if you would be able to help me in this.
How can I turn on LED remotely using two nrfl2401+. So one will be TX(with Arduino) connected to my computer and another connected to RX(Arduino as well) which has the LED on digital pin 8 . All I want to do is press, say spacebar, on computer which will turn on led on RX module.
Please ask your questions on an Arduino forum.
This forum is for the CCS C compiler only.
- Forum Moderator
+++++++++++++++++++++ |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:58 am |
You should use specific Arduino driver for Nordic RF transceiver.
I don´t know whether is it available!
Good luck! _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 15 Mar 2012 Posts: 3
Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:22 am |
Hello Eduardo, as I implemented you files and built my project, i got some buildings errors on your nRF24L01P.C
Attempt to create a pointer to a constant on line:
Code: |
//void RF24_default_config()
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, "0rdda", 5 );
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P1, "1rdda", 5 );
RF24_comm_out(W_REGISTER|TX_ADDR_P0, "0rdda", 5 );
//void RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata()
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack1");
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack2");
ret=RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack3");
How can I fix this? this was the only problem on my code.
tnks |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:28 am |
You´ve had the same error than Thibow. See thibow post.
This was because you didn't add " PASS_STRINGS=IN_RAM" directive.
Get a look in my post "How to do", above. _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
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