Joined: 25 Aug 2010 Posts: 1
new IDC-U64 not working |
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:13 am |
About 6 months ago I ordered an ICD-U64 through Digikey. I didn't use it straight away but when I did it sought of worked but threw up a number of strange errors. So instead of tackling it immediately I put it away and eventually got in touch with CCS and was amazed to find out that after only 3 months the guarantee was out of date. Here in the UK we have a Government minimum period of 12 months overiding the manufacturer period. The device could be returned and fixed for around £45.00 as I remember so I decided with the postage this was too much and declined the offer. A few days later I oppened it up and found that the SMount PIC processor had a few legs slightly bent above the solder pads which had missed the flow solder process also another device had a middle pin of three not soldered properly. Re-flowing the joints produced a perfect working unit. I am an experienced Electronics engineer and used to this process if you are not send it back and bite the bullet but it's worth a look for those with the skill and the same problem. I informed CCS but received no reply.  |