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Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
SE98A/SE98ATP I2C temperature sensor, full driver by Eduardo |
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:23 am |
DDR memory(or General) module temperature sensor, 1.7 V to 3.6 V
JEDEC (JC-42.4) TS3000B1 DIMM ± 0.5 °C (typ.) between 75 °C and 95 °C temperature sensor
* Optimized for voltage range: 1.7 V to 3.6 V
* Shutdown current: 0.1 µA (typ.) and 5.0 µA (max.)
* 2-wire interface: I2C-bus/SMBus compatible, 0 Hz to 400 kHz
* SMBus ALERT and TIMEOUT (programmable)
* 11-bit ADC Temperature-to-Digital converter with 0.125 °C resolution
* Operating current: 250 µA (typ.) and 400 µA (max.)
* Programmable hysteresis threshold: 0 °C, 1.5 °C, 3 °C, 6 °C
* Over/under/critical temperature EVENT output
3bit I2C \ -> A0 |1 8|VDD <- Power Supply
address >-----> A1 |2 7|EVENT <- Open collector output for programmed events(Allarms, etc...)
Sellector/ -> A2 |3 6|SCL <- Connect to I2C bus here
Power Supply -> VSS|4 5|SDA <- Connect to I2C bus here
+-----------+ |
_________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
SE98A_commandList.txt |
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:25 am |
Code: |
/*************************SPI handshake and I/O commands***********************************/
void SE98_setaddr(int8 devaddr, int8 SE98_reg); //SET SE98A pointer register address
void SE98_write(int8 devaddr, int8 SE98_reg, int16 data); //WRITE data to SE98A at specific address
int16 SE98_read(int8 devaddr, int8 SE98_reg); //READ data from SE98A at specific address
int16 SE98_readlast(int8 devaddr); //READ data from SE98A actual(last) register(set with SE98_setaddr() function)
/*************************General Driver commands******************************************/
//Defined macros
void SE98_initPorts(); //Inicialize tris ports of uC for SE98A
void SE98_default_config(int8 da); //Ititializes driver default configuration for SE98A chip
signed int16 SE_conv8to16(signed int8 val); //Converts from signed int8(-50 to 125degree) to SE98A temperature format
signed int8 SE_conv16to8(signed int16 val); //Converts from SE98A format to signed int8(-50 to 125degree) format
float SE_conv16tofloat(signed int16 val); //Converts from SE98A temperature format to float(-55.0 to 255.9degree)
signed int SE98_get_temperature(int8 devaddr);//Get temperature from SE98A(returns signed 8bit value)
SE98_get_temperature_float(int8 devaddr); //Get temperature from SE98A(returns float value)
void SE98_shutdown(int8 devaddr); //Shutdown SE98A(low power mode)
void SE98_poweron(int8 devaddr); //get out shutdown SE98A(normal power mode)
signed int8 SE98_wakeup_read_andshutdown(int8 devaddr, int1 op); //Wakeup, waits for convertion, reads temperature, shutdown SE98A and returns converted temperature value
signed int8 SE98_wakeup_read_andshutdown(int8 devaddr); //(overloaded function)Wakeup, waits for convertion, reads temperature, shutdown SE98A and returns converted temperature value
void SE98A_driver_use_example(); //Example of using this driver
_________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
SE98A.h header file |
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:27 am |
SE98A.h header file
Code: | /*
DDR memory(or General) module temperature sensor, 1.7 V to 3.6 V
ps: (R)=Read Only register
(W)=Write Only register
" "=Read and Write register
(RW)=Read and Write register
(?)=Initial Register State
(xxxx)=Register Value/data
*=Automated functions contemplated register(it has specific functions for it in driver, already done). Another registers/functions must be read/written by hand by the programmer. see example of implementation in driver.
**=Frequently used tables
data&=~PRIM_RX; //Reset PRIM_RX bit(for example)
data|=PRIM_RX; //Set PRIM_RX bit(for example)
/*********************** REGISTERS ADDRESS LIST *****************************/
enum SE98_regs { //**Registers address list
SE_CAPABILITY = 0x00, //(0037h) See "SE98_Capability" register (B grade = 0037h)(See SE98_capability)
SE_CONFIG = 0x01, //(0000h) See "SE98_config" Configuration register(See SE98_config)
SE_ALARM_UP = 0x02, //(0000h) Upper Boundary Alarm Trip register (16-bit read/write)
SE_ALARM_LOW = 0x03, //(0000h) Lower Boundary Alarm Trip register (16-bit read/write)
SE_ALARM_CRITICAL=0x04, //(0000h) Critical Alarm Trip register (16-bit read/write)
SE_TEMPERATURE = 0x05, //(xxxxh) Temperature register (16-bit read-only)(See SE98_TempReg)
SE_ID = 0x06, //(1131h) Manufacturer ID register (16-bit read-only)(ID=0x1131 for NXP Semiconductors)
SE_REV = 0x07, //(A102h) Device ID/Revision register (16-bit read-only)(Ex.: ID=0xA1, Rev=0x02)
SE_CONFIG_BUS = 0x22 //(0000h) SMBus register(See SE98_CONFIG_BUS)
//08h to 21h 0000h reserved registers
//23h to FFh 0000h reserved registers
#define SE_DEVICECODE 0b00110000
* I2C address composition: ddddxyzs
* dddd = devicecode //factory fixed devicecode
* xyz = A2, A1, A0 //Hardware selectable address(0 to 7)
* s = R/W //1 write to, 0 read from
/*************************** VALUE CODES **********************************/
enum SE98_capability { //**Capability register (address 00h) bit allocation(READ ONLY)
SE_RESERVED = 0b1111111111000000, //(R)15:6 RFU Reserved for future use. Must be zero.
SE_VHV = 0b0000000000100000, //(R)5 VHV High voltage standoff for pin A0. This part can support a voltage up to 10 V on the A0 pin to support JC42.4 ballot 1435.00.
SE_TRES = 0b0000000000011000, //(R)4:3 TRES Temperature resolution. 11 — 0.125 °C LSB (11-bit)
SE_TRES0125 = 0b0000000000010000, //(R)4:3 TRES Temperature resolution. 11 — 0.125 °C LSB (11-bit)
SE_WRNG = 0b0000000000000100, //(R)2 WRNG Wider range. 1 — can read temperatures below 0 °C and set sign bit accordingly
SE_HACC = 0b0000000000000010, //(R)1 HACC Higher accuracy (set during manufacture). B grade accuracy
SE_BCAP = 0b0000000000000001, //(R)0 BCAP Basic capability. Has Alarm and Critical Trips interrupt capability.
SE_CAPABILITIES= 0b0000000000111111 //For filtering all capabilities options
enum SE98_config { //**Configuration register (address 01h) bit description
SE_RESERVED1 = 0b1111100000000000, //(R)15:11 reserved for future use; must be ‘0’.
SE_HIST_DISABLE= 0b0000000000000000, //(RW)Disable hysteresis(default)
SE_HIST_1C = 0b0000001000000000, //(RW)Enable hysteresis at 1.5 °C. It´s sets histeresis of alarm conditions.
SE_HIST_3C = 0b0000010000000000, //(RW)Enable hysteresis at 3 °C. It´s sets histeresis of alarm conditions.
SE_HIST_6C = 0b0000011000000000, //(RW)Enable hysteresis at 6 °C. It´s sets histeresis of alarm conditions.
SE_SHUTDOWN = 0b0000000100000000, //(RW)Shutdown SE98A. When shut down, the thermal sensor diode and Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC) are disabled to save power, no events will be generated.
SE_TRIPLOCK = 0b0000000010000000, //(RW)If Set, critical Alarm Trip register settings cannot be altered. This bit is initially cleared. When set, this bit will return a 1, and remains locked until cleared by internal Power-on reset. This bit can be written with a single write and do not require double writes.
SE_ALARMLOCK = 0b0000000001000000, //(RW)If set, Upper and Lower Alarm Trip registers setting cannot be altered. This bit is initially cleared. When set, this bit will return a 1 and remains locked until cleared by internal power-on reset. This bit can be written with a single write and does not require double writes.
SE_E_CLEAR = 0b0000000000100000, //(W)Clears active EVENT in Interrupt mode. When read, this register always returns zero.
SE_E_STAT = 0b0000000000010000, //(R)Reads Event status(1 for set and 0 for reset, despite of output selected polarity, taht can be inverted).
SE_E_OUTPUT = 0b0000000000001000, //(RW)Enable Event Output pin(open drain)
SE_E_CRIT_OUT = 0b0000000000000100, //(RW)If set, output turns ON only in critical temperature event. If reset(default), output turns on in both alarm or critical temperature event.
SE_E_POL_HIGH = 0b0000000000000010, //(RW)EVENT Polarity. Set this for active HIGH event pin. When either of the Critical Trip or Alarm Window lock bits is set, this bit cannot be altered until unlocked.
SE_E_CRIT_ONLY = 0b0000000000000001, //(RW)EVENT only if temperature is above the value in the critical temperature register. When the Critical Trip or Alarm Window lock bit is set, this bit cannot be altered until unlocked.
SE_E_ALARM_EV = 0b0000000000000000 //(RW)EVENT output on Alarm or Critical temperature event (default)
enum SE98_bTempReg { //**Temperature register (16-bit read-only)
SE_bCRYTICAL = 15, //(R)Bit 15: Above Critical Trip.
SE_bALARM = 14, //(R)Bit 14: Above Alarm Window.
SE_bNORMAL = 13 /*(R)Bit 13: Below Alarm Window(Normal temperature)
SE_bTEMPVAL = 12 //(R)Bit 12 to 2: Temperature value(SE98A Format)
SE_bDNA = 1 //(R)Bit 1 to 0: Not used, always 0 */
enum SE98_TempReg { //**Temperature register (16-bit read-only)
SE_CRYTICAL = 0b1000000000000000, //(R)Bit 15: Above Critical Trip.
SE_ALARM = 0b0100000000000000, //(R)Bit 14: Above Alarm Window.
SE_NORMAL = 0b0010000000000000, //(R)Bit 13: Below Alarm Window(Normal temperature)
SE_TEMPVAL = 0b0001111111111100, //(R)Bit 12 to 2: Temperature value(SE98A Format)
SE_DNA = 0b0000000000000011 //(R)Bit 1 to 0: Not used, always 0
enum SE98_CONFIG_BUS { //**SMBus register
SE_SMBUS_Timeout=0b0000000010000000, //(RW)disable SMBus time-out
SE_SMBUS_Alert = 0b0000000000000001, //disable SMBus ALERT
_________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:30 am |
SE98A.c driver main file(include this file)
Code: | /*
DDR memory(or General) module temperature sensor, 1.7 V to 3.6 V
JEDEC (JC-42.4) TS3000B1 DIMM ± 0.5 °C (typ.) between 75 °C and 95 °C temperature sensor
* Optimized for voltage range: 1.7 V to 3.6 V
* Shutdown current: 0.1 µA (typ.) and 5.0 µA (max.)
* 2-wire interface: I2C-bus/SMBus compatible, 0 Hz to 400 kHz
* SMBus ALERT and TIMEOUT (programmable)
* 11-bit ADC Temperature-to-Digital converter with 0.125 °C resolution
* Operating current: 250 µA (typ.) and 400 µA (max.)
* Programmable hysteresis threshold: 0 °C, 1.5 °C, 3 °C, 6 °C
* Over/under/critical temperature EVENT output
3bit I2C \ -> A0 |1 8|VDD <- Power Supply
address >-----> A1 |2 7|EVENT <- Open collector output for programmed events(Allarms, etc...)
Sellector/ -> A2 |3 6|SCL <- Connect to I2C bus here
Power Supply -> VSS|4 5|SDA <- Connect to I2C bus here
Arquivo : SE98A.C
Programador : Eduardo Guilherme Brandt
Criação : 17/02/2012 ( V 1.0 )
Modificado : 18/05/2012
Contato : [email protected] - Indaial-SC, Brasil
Histórico : Versão 1.0 - 17/02/2012
Functions :
????See nSE98_commandList.c //Do not include this file. It´s just for reference.
Further information:
Ps: *Define I2C pins(SE98_SCL, SE98_SDA)
*Define I2C hardware controller stream SE98_I2C, too.
*Define input pin(SE98_EVENT), if you need it
*I2C can be configured till 400kHz for SE98A.
CCS PICC 4.124+,
uC with I2C
i2c_start(), i2c_write(), i2c_read() and i2c_stop() functions
see SE98A.h header file
ps: For more details, see SE98A datasheet.
Config example: See in SE98_default_config() function
Eduardo Guilherme Brandt 17/11/2011 */
/*//Driver SE98.C
#define SE98_SCL NA //Set in hardware I2C
#define SE98_SDA NA //Set in hardware I2C
#define SE98_EVENT NA //Not used
#define SE98_I2C STREAM_I2C//Redirects I2C port to SE98_I2C stream
#USE I2C(MASTER, FORCE_HW, I2C1, FAST=50000, STREAM=STREAM_I2C) //Configura I2C1 via pinos padrao(hardware)
#ifndef SE98_SCL
#ERROR SE98_SCL pin not defined!
#ifndef SE98_SDA
#ERROR SE98_SDA pin not defined!
#ifndef SE98_EVENT
#ERROR SE98_EVENT pin not defined!
#ifndef SE98_I2C
#warning Initialize SE98_I2C stream for I2C communication with SE98A, as below:
#warning #USE I2C(MASTER, FORCE_HW, I2C1, FAST=50000, STREAM=STREAM_I2C) //Set I2C communication
#warning #define SE98_I2C STREAM_I2C //just to set I2C stream to SE98_I2C
#warning I2C máx speed=400kHz for SE98A
#include <SE98A.h> //HEADER FILE
*************************I2C handshake and I/O commands***********************************
*************************I2C handshake and I/O commands***********************************
*************************I2C handshake and I/O commands***********************************
* ex:
* RF24_select(); //Controls bit Chipselect
#define SE98_i2c_start() i2c_start(SE98_I2C)
#define SE98_i2c_read() i2c_start(SE98_I2C)
#define SE98_i2c_write() i2c_start(SE98_I2C)
#define SE98_i2c_stop() i2c_start(SE98_I2C)
* SE98_setaddr : SET SE98A pointer register address
* Parameters:
* devaddr: Address of device(0 to 7, selected in hardware A0, A1, A2 pins). You can use till 8 SE98A on the same I2C bus.
* SE98_reg: SE98A pointer register address(See header file **Registers address list)
* ex:
* SE98_setaddr(0x00, SE_TEMPERATURE); //Set SE98A pointer to temperature register.
void SE98_setaddr(int8 devaddr, int8 SE98_reg) { //SET SE98A pointer register address
devaddr&=0b00000111; //garantee to be a value from 0 to 7
i2c_write((SE_DEVICECODE|(BYTE)(devaddr<<1))&0b11111110); //garantee bit0 to be 0(it make a I2C WRITE command). Bits 6 to 7 must be the SE_DEVICECODE, factory fixed
i2c_write(SE98_reg); //Set SE98A pointer register address
* SE98_setaddr : WRITE data to SE98A at specific address
* Parameters:
* devaddr: Address of device(0 to 7, selected in hardware A0, A1, A2 pins). You can use till 8 SE98A on the same I2C bus.
* SE98_reg: SE98A pointer register address to write data(See header file **Registers address list)
* data: 16bit data to write
* ex:
* SE98_setaddr(0x00, SE_CONFIG, SE_SHUTDOWN); //Set SE98A pointer to temperature register.
void SE98_write(int8 devaddr, int8 SE98_reg, int16 data) { //WRITE data to SE98A at specific address
devaddr&=0b00000111; //garantee to be a value from 0 to 7
i2c_write((SE_DEVICECODE|(BYTE)(devaddr<<1))&0b11111110); //garantee bit0 to be 0(it make a I2C WRITE command). Bits 6 to 7 must be the SE_DEVICECODE, factory fixed
i2c_write(SE98_reg); //Set SE98A pointer register address
i2c_write(make8(data,1)); //write data MSB
i2c_write(make8(data,0)); //write data LSB
* SE98_read : READ data from SE98A at specific address
* Parameters:
* devaddr: Address of device(0 to 7, selected in hardware A0, A1, A2 pins). You can use till 8 SE98A on the same I2C bus.
* SE98_reg: SE98A pointer register address to write data(See header file **Registers address list)
* returns: Returns 16bit read data
* ex:
* long value; //temperature value in SE98A specific format(You must convert it)
* signed int temperature; //temperature value in signed 8bit data format
* value=SE98_setaddr(0x00, SE_TEMPERATURE); //Read from SE98A temperature register.
* temperature=SE_conv16to8(value); //Converts from SE98A format to signed int8(-50 to 125degree) format
int16 SE98_read(int8 devaddr, int8 SE98_reg) { //READ data from SE98A at specific address
int16 data=0;
devaddr&=0b00000111; //garantee to be a value from 0 to 7
i2c_write((SE_DEVICECODE|(BYTE)(devaddr<<1))&0b11111110); //garantee bit0 to be 0(it make a I2C WRITE command). Bits 6 to 7 must be the SE_DEVICECODE, factory fixed
i2c_write(SE98_reg); //Set SE98A pointer register address
i2c_write((SE_DEVICECODE|(BYTE)(devaddr<<1))|0b00000001); //garantee bit0 to be 1(it make a I2C READ command). Bits 6 to 7 must be the SE_DEVICECODE, factory fixed
data=(int16)i2c_read()<<8; //read data MSB
data|=(int16)i2c_read(0); //read data LSB(0 means without acknowledge bit)
return data; //Return read value
* SE98_readlast : READ data from SE98A actual(last) register(set with SE98_setaddr() function)
* Parameters:
* devaddr: Address of device(0 to 7, selected in hardware A0, A1, A2 pins). You can use till 8 SE98A on the same I2C bus.
* returns: Returns 16bit read data
* ex:
* long value;
* value=SE98_setaddr(0x00); //Read value from SE98A last register(set by SE98_setaddr()).
int16 SE98_readlast(int8 devaddr) { //READ data from SE98A actual(last) register(set with SE98_setaddr() function)
int16 data=0;
devaddr&=0b00000111; //garantee to be a value from 0 to 7
i2c_write((SE_DEVICECODE|(BYTE)(devaddr<<1))|0b00000001); //garantee bit0 to be 1(it make a I2C READ command). Bits 6 to 7 must be the SE_DEVICECODE, factory fixed
data=(int16)i2c_read()<<8; //read data MSB
data|=(int16)i2c_read(0); //read data LSB(0 means without acknowledge bit)
return data; //Return read value
*************************General Driver commands******************************************
*************************General Driver commands******************************************
*************************General Driver commands******************************************
* Inicialize tris ports of uC for SE98A
* ex: SE98_initPorts();
void SE98_initPorts() { //Inicialize tris ports of uC for SE98A
* Converts from signed int8(-50 to 125degree) to SE98A temperature format
* Parameters:
* val signed 8bit value to be converted(-50 to 125degrees)
* returns SE98A 16bit format value(of temperature, etc...)
signed int16 SE_conv8to16(signed int8 val) { //Converts from signed int8(-50 to 125degree) to SE98A temperature format
int16 rv=0; //return value
if (bit_test(rv, 11)==true) //if val was negative(7th val bit is now 11th rv bit)
rv|=0b0001000000000000; //Set 12th bit(it indicates that the value is negative for SE98A)
return rv;
* Converts from SE98A temperature format to signed int8(-55 to 127degree)
* Parameters:
* val SE98A format value to be converted(16bit)
* returns signed 8bit converted value(of temperature, etc...)
//#define SE_conv16to8(xInt16) make8(xInt16>>4,0); //Converts from SE98A format to signed int8(-50 to 125degree) format, but not manage value higher than 127.
signed int8 SE_conv16to8(signed int16 val) { //Converts from SE98A format to signed int8(-50 to 125degree) format
signed int8 rv=0; //return value
if (bit_test(val, 11)==true) { //if val was larger than +127C
rv=0b01111111; //Consider vr as +127C, maximum readable temperature
} //because signed 8bit int can fit only from -127 to +127 maximum.
else {
val=val>>4; //discards values below comma(discarded the fractional value)
rv=make8(val,0); //gets low byte from val, already signed(1 degree precision)
return rv;
* Converts from SE98A temperature format to float(-55.0 to 255.9degree)
* Parameters:
* val SE98A format value to be converted(16bit)
* returns float 32bit converted temperature value
float SE_conv16tofloat(signed int16 val) { //Converts from SE98A temperature format to float(-55.0 to 255.9degree)
signed int16 val_h,val_l;
float fval_h,fval_l;
float rv=0; //return value
val_h=(val>>4)&0b0000000011111111; //leave only integer value(left from comma)
val_l=(val>>1)&0b0000000000000111; //leave only right comma value(smaler than 1)
if (bit_test(val, 12)==true) {//the value is negative
val_h|=0b1111111100000000; //Turn the rest 1, to be val_h a negative int16
val_h|=0b1111111111111000; //Turn the rest 1, to be val_h a negative int16
fval_l*=0.125; //right comma multiply factor(see SE98A datasheet, topic "Temperature format")
rv=fval_h+fval_l; //Sum integer with remainder
return rv;
* Configure SE98A with driver default values(Ititializes default configuration for chip)
* ex: SE98_default_config(0x00);
* da Address of device(0 to 7, selected in hardware A0, A1, A2 pins). You can use till 8 SE98A on the same I2C bus.
void SE98_default_config(int8 da) { //Ititializes driver default configuration for SE98A chip
SE98_write(da, SE_ALARM_UP, SE_conv8to16(80)); //Sets crytical allarm to 80degrees
SE98_write(da, SE_CONFIG, SE_HIST_DISABLE|SE_E_CLEAR|SE_E_CRIT_ONLY); //Set configuration
//SE98_write(da, SE_CONFIG, SE_SHUTDOWN);
delay_ms(130); //Waits for the first temperature convertion
* Get SE98A temperature value(returns signed 8bit value, from -55 to +127degree)
* Parameters:
* devaddr selected SE98A device address(from 0x00 to 0x07)
* returns signed 8bit read temperature
signed int8 SE98_get_temperature(int8 devaddr) { //Get temperature from SE98A(returns signed 8bit value)
int16 value; //temperature value in SE98A specific format(You must convert it)
value=SE98_read(devaddr, SE_TEMPERATURE); //Read from SE98A temperature register.
return SE_conv16to8(value); //returns temperature value in signed 8bit data format
* Get SE98A temperature value(returns float value, from -55,0 to 255,9degrees)
* Parameters:
* devaddr selected SE98A device address(from 0x00 to 0x07)
* returns float 32bit read temperature
float SE98_get_temperature_float(int8 devaddr) { //Get temperature from SE98A(returns signed 8bit value)
int16 value; //temperature value in SE98A specific format(You must convert it)
value=SE98_read(devaddr, SE_TEMPERATURE); //Read from SE98A temperature register.
return SE_conv16tofloat(value); //returns temperature value in signed 8bit data format
//#define SE98_get_temperature(xdevaddr) SE_conv16to8(SE98_read(xdevaddr, SE_TEMPERATURE))
* Shutdown SE98A(low power mode)
void SE98_shutdown(int8 devaddr) { //Shutdown SE98A(low power mode)
int16 data;
data=SE98_read(devaddr, SE_CONFIG);
data|=SE_SHUTDOWN; //sets shutdown bit
SE98_write(devaddr, SE_CONFIG, data);
* get out shutdown SE98A(normal power mode)
void SE98_poweron(int8 devaddr) { //get out shutdown SE98A(normal power mode)
int16 data;
data=SE98_read(devaddr, SE_CONFIG);
data&=~SE_SHUTDOWN; //resets shutdown bit
SE98_write(devaddr, SE_CONFIG, data);
* Wakeup, waits for convertion, reads temperature, shutdown SE98A and returns converted temperature value
* op: Sleep if true(delay_ms(150) if false).
* ps.: you must configure wdt interrupt to occur(for 150ms or more).
* 25ms is the SE98A adc temperature convertion time.
* Returns: signed int8 temperature value
signed int8 SE98_wakeup_read_andshutdown(int8 devaddr, int1 op) { //Wakeup, waits for convertion, reads temperature, shutdown SE98A and returns converted temperature value
long val; //temperature value in SE98A specific format(You must convert it)
if (op==true) sleep(); //Sleep till interrupt occurs(you must configure sleep period for at least 150ms)
else delay_ms(150); //Waits for the first temperature convertion
val=SE98_read(devaddr, SE_TEMPERATURE); //Read from SE98A temperature register.
return SE_conv16to8(val); //returns temperature value in signed 8bit data format
signed int8 SE98_wakeup_read_andshutdown(int8 devaddr) { //(overloaded function)Wakeup, waits for convertion, reads temperature, shutdown SE98A and returns converted temperature value
long val; //temperature value in SE98A specific format(You must convert it)
delay_ms(150); //Waits for the first temperature convertion
val=SE98_read(devaddr, SE_TEMPERATURE); //Read from SE98A temperature register.
return SE_conv16to8(val); //returns temperature value in signed 8bit data format
* Driver use example 1: Configure and Read temperature one time
* ps: At first, set SE98A I2C and control PINS
* Then, include driver file.
* Now, that´s all right
* **YOU NOT NEED POWER_DOWN the device if you do not want to!
void SE98A_driver_use_example() { //Example of using this driver
signed int8 temperature;
float float_temperature;
while(true) {
SE98_poweron(0x00); //get out shutdown SE98A(normal power mode)
delay_ms(125); //Wait for first conversion
temperature=SE98_get_temperature(0x00);//Get temperature from SE98A(returns signed 8bit value)
float_temperature=SE98_get_temperature_float(0x00);//Get temperature from SE98A(returns float value)
SE98_shutdown(0x00); //Shutdown SE98A(low power mode)
//do_something(); //If do_something() takes less than 125ms, you will get the same
// //temperature value than last reading.
delay_ms(10); //put a break here to check whether the correct temperature was read
_________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:43 am |
Informe me if anyone find any bugs. Thanks.
Code: | Define uC, fuses, compiller,...
#USE I2C(MASTER, FORCE_HW, I2C1, FAST=50000, STREAM=STREAM_I2C) //Configura I2C1 via pinos padrao(hardware)
//********** DEFINE PORT NAMES
//Driver SE98.C
#define SE98_SCL PIN_C3 //Set in hardware I2C
#define SE98_SDA PIN_C4 //Set in hardware I2C
#define SE98_EVENT NA //Not used/OPTIONAL
#define SE98_I2C STREAM_I2C//Redirects I2C port to SE98_I2C stream
//INCLUDES_2 - Drivers
#include <SE98A.C> //Driver leitor de temperatura
void main() {
while(true) {
It´s a pleasure to share it! _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
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