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Joined: 20 Feb 2008 Posts: 3 Location: SFAX Tunisia
crystalfontz CFAG12864BTMIV |
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 3:12 am |
Hi everyone
I am new in PIC technology and I try to interface a GLCD (128 x 64) by crystalfontz CFAG12864BTMIV with PIC18f4620. The GLCD is not working. No text or pixels or whatever is in the program is being displayed.
This LCD has a backlight.
My compiler is PCWHD 4.065 and I simulate my code with ISIS 7.1 SP2. The simulation with ISIS it’s Ok but in the reality I have no chance. Here are the connections:
1= 5V
2= GND
Pin 1
| |-------------- connect with pin 3= Pot 10K ohm
| Pin 18
4= RD0
12= CS1=RB0
15= R/W=RB7
16 = D/I=RB2
17= E = RB5
18 = VEE = POT
R= 25 ohm
19= ----\/\/\/\/\/\/\-- 5V
20= GND
Data sheet of The LCD;
Code removed by forum moderater. Ref. forum policy #10:
10. Don't post the CCS example code or drivers, or ask for such code and drivers.
Code: |
#include <18f4620.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=19200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7,PARITY=N,BITS =8)
#INCLUDE <glcd.c>
void main()
char v[]="Hello";
glcd_pixel(10,10,on) ;
Can anybody help me please…… |
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 Posts: 151 Location: Grayson, GA
Working driver |
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:50 am |
It appears you may have some #define statments missing or the code uses a different method. Here is a driver I modified slightly from another CCS driver that is working fine with that LCD. You will also need to include <graphics.c> in your program.
Code: | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// CFAG12864B.c ////
//// ////
//// File contains drivers for using a CrystalFontz CFAG12864B with ////
//// a KS0108 controller. The CFAG12864B is 128 by 64 pixels. ////
//// The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0). ////
//// ////
//// Use #define FAST_GLCD if the target chip has at least 1k of RAM ////
//// to decrease the time it takes to update the display. ////
//// glcd_update() must then be called to update the display after ////
//// changing the pixel information. ////
//// See ex_glcd.c for suggested usage. ////
//// See KS0108.c for controlling a single 64 by 64 display ////
//// ////
//// LCD Pin connections: ////
//// (These can be changed as needed in the following defines). ////
//// * 1: VSS is connected to GND ////
//// * 2: VDD is connected to +5V ////
//// * 3: V0 - LCD operating voltage (Constrast adjustment) ////
//// * 4: D/I - Data or Instruction is connected to B4 ////
//// * 5: R/W - Read or Write is connected to C6 ////
//// * 6: Enable is connected to C7 ////
//// *7-14: Data Bus 0 to 7 is connected to port D0 to D7 ////
//// *15: Chip Select 1 is connected to E0 ////
//// *16: Chip Select 2 is connected to E1 ////
//// *17: Reset is connected to E2 ////
//// *18: Negative voltage is also connected ////
//// *19: Positive voltage for LED is connected to current limit +5V////
//// *20: Negavtive voltage for LED is connected to switched GND ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// glcd_init(mode) ////
//// * Must be called before any other function. ////
//// - mode can be ON or OFF to turn the LCD on or off ////
//// ////
//// glcd_pixel(x,y,color) ////
//// * Sets the pixel to the given color. ////
//// - color can be ON or OFF ////
//// ////
//// glcd_fillScreen(color) ////
//// * Fills the entire LCD with the given color. ////
//// - color can be ON or OFF ////
//// ////
//// glcd_update() ////
//// * Write the display data stored in RAM to the LCD ////
//// * Only available if FAST_GLCD is defined ////
//// ////
//// (C) Copyright 1996, 2004 Custom Computer Services ////
//// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS ////
//// C compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
//// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, ////
//// reproduction or distribution is permitted without written ////
//// permission. Derivative programs created using this software ////
//// in object code form are not restricted in any way. ////
#ifndef CFAG12864B
#define CFAG12864B
#ifndef GLCD_WIDTH
#define GLCD_WIDTH 128
#ifndef GLCD_CS1
#define GLCD_CS1 PIN_E0 // Chip Selection 1
#ifndef GLCD_CS2
#define GLCD_CS2 PIN_E1 // Chip Selection 2
#ifndef GLCD_DI
#define GLCD_DI PIN_B4 // Data or Instruction input
#ifndef GLCD_RW
#define GLCD_RW PIN_C6 // Read/Write
#ifndef GLCD_E
#define GLCD_E PIN_C7 // Enable
#ifndef GLCD_RST
#define GLCD_RST PIN_E2 // Reset
#define GLCD_LEFT 1
#define GLCD_RIGHT 0
#ifndef ON
#define ON 1
#ifndef OFF
#define OFF 0
// Function Prototypes
void glcd_init(int1 mode);
void glcd_pixel(int8 x, int8 y, int1 color);
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color);
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data);
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side);
void glcd_update();
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
int8 left[512];
int8 right[512];
} displayData;
// Purpose: Initialize the LCD.
// Call before using any other LCD function.
// Inputs: OFF - Turns the LCD off
// ON - Turns the LCD on
void glcd_init(int1 mode)
// Initialze some pins
output_low(GLCD_DI); // Set for instruction
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0xC0); // Specify first RAM line at the top
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xC0); // of the screen
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x40); // Set the column address to 0
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0xB8); // Set the page address to 0
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xB8);
if(mode == ON)
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x3F); // Turn the display on
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3F);
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x3E); // Turn the display off
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x3E);
glcd_fillScreen(OFF); // Clear the display
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
// Purpose: Update the LCD with data from the display arrays
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
void glcd_update()
int8 i, j;
int8 *p1, *p2;
p1 = displayData.left;
p2 = displayData.right;
// Loop through the vertical pages
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
output_low(GLCD_DI); // Set for instruction
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0x40); // Set horizontal address to 0
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0x40);
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0xB8); // Set page address
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0xB8);
output_high(GLCD_DI); // Set for data
// Loop through the horizontal sections
for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, *p1++); // Turn pixels on or off
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, *p2++); // Turn pixels on or off
// Purpose: Turn a pixel on a graphic LCD on or off
// Inputs: 1) x - the x coordinate of the pixel
// 2) y - the y coordinate of the pixel
// 3) color - ON or OFF
void glcd_pixel(int8 x, int8 y, int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
int8* p;
int16 temp;
temp = y/8;
temp *= 64;
temp += x;
if(x > 63)
p = displayData.right + temp - 64;
p = displayData.left + temp;
bit_set(*p, y%8);
bit_clear(*p, y%8);
BYTE data;
int1 side = GLCD_LEFT; // Stores which chip to use on the LCD
if(x > 63) // Check for first or second display area
x -= 64;
side = GLCD_RIGHT;
output_low(GLCD_DI); // Set for instruction
bit_clear(x,7); // Clear the MSB. Part of an instruction code
bit_set(x,6); // Set bit 6. Also part of an instruction code
glcd_writeByte(side, x); // Set the horizontal address
glcd_writeByte(side, (y/8 & 0xBF) | 0xB8); // Set the vertical page address
output_high(GLCD_DI); // Set for data
glcd_readByte(side); // Need two reads to get data
data = glcd_readByte(side); // at new address
if(color == ON)
bit_set(data, y%8); // Turn the pixel on
else // or
bit_clear(data, y%8); // turn the pixel off
output_low(GLCD_DI); // Set for instruction
glcd_writeByte(side, x); // Set the horizontal address
output_high(GLCD_DI); // Set for data
glcd_writeByte(side, data); // Write the pixel data
// Purpose: Fill the LCD screen with the passed in color
// Inputs: ON - turn all the pixels on
// OFF - turn all the pixels off
void glcd_fillScreen(int1 color)
#ifdef FAST_GLCD
int8 data;
int8 *p1, *p2;
int16 i;
p1 = displayData.left;
p2 = displayData.right;
data = 0xFF * color;
for(i=0; i<512; ++i)
*p1++ = data;
*p2++ = data;
int8 i, j;
// Loop through the vertical pages
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
output_low(GLCD_DI); // Set for instruction
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0b01000000); // Set horizontal address to 0
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0b01000000);
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, i | 0b10111000);// Set page address
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, i | 0b10111000);
output_high(GLCD_DI); // Set for data
// Loop through the horizontal sections
for(j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_LEFT, 0xFF*color); // Turn pixels on or off
glcd_writeByte(GLCD_RIGHT, 0xFF*color); // Turn pixels on or off
// Purpose: Write a byte of data to the specified chip
// Inputs: 1) chipSelect - which chip to write the data to
// 2) data - the byte of data to write
void glcd_writeByte(int1 side, BYTE data)
if(side) // Choose which side to write to
output_low(GLCD_RW); // Set for writing
output_d(data); // Put the data on the port
output_high(GLCD_E); // Pulse the enable pin
output_low(GLCD_CS1); // Reset the chip select lines
// Purpose: Reads a byte of data from the specified chip
// Ouputs: A byte of data read from the chip
BYTE glcd_readByte(int1 side)
BYTE data; // Stores the data read from the LCD
set_tris_d(0xFF); // Set port d to input
output_high(GLCD_RW); // Set for reading
if(side) // Choose which side to write to
output_high(GLCD_E); // Pulse the enable pin
data = input_d(); // Get the data from the display's output register
output_low(GLCD_CS1); // Reset the chip select lines
return data; // Return the read data
#endif |
Joined: 20 Feb 2008 Posts: 3 Location: SFAX Tunisia
CFAG12864B |
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:11 am |
Thank you for your help bwhiten.
I try your driver. the simulation with ISIS it's OK. but in the reality its not working.just a blue light in the LCD
my connection is :
LCD = Fonction = PIC
12 = CS1 = RB0
13 = CS2 = RB1
14 = RST = RC0
15 = R/W = RB7
16 = D/I = RB2
17 = E = RB5
so I change the some lines in your driver but its not working again...
Code: |
#ifndef GLCD_CS1
#define GLCD_CS1 PIN_B0 // I changed the PIN_B0 by the PIN_E0
#ifndef GLCD_CS2
#define GLCD_CS2 PIN_B1 // I changed the PIN_E1 by the PIN_B1
#ifndef GLCD_DI
#define GLCD_DI PIN_B2 // I changed the PIN_B4 by the PIN_B2
#ifndef GLCD_RW
#define GLCD_RW PIN_B7 // I changed the PIN_C0 by the PIN_B7
#ifndef GLCD_E
#define GLCD_E PIN_B5 // I changed the PIN_C7 by the PIN_B5
#ifndef GLCD_RST
#define GLCD_RST PIN_C0 // I changed the PIN_E2 by the PIN_C0
what do you say...... |
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 Posts: 151 Location: Grayson, GA
Check that you have correct include file |
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:42 am |
Post your newest version of Hello.c |
Joined: 20 Feb 2008 Posts: 3 Location: SFAX Tunisia
hello.c |
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:09 am |
Code: |
#include <18f4620.h>
#ROM 0x7F38 = {0x9000}
#ROM 0x7F3A = {0xEF00}
#ROM 0x7F3C = {0xF000}
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=19200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7,PARITY=N,BITS =8)
#include <CFAG12864B.c>
//#include <HDM64GS12o.c>
#include <graphicso.c>
void main()
char ABC[] = "hello";
glcd_init(on); // Must initialize the LCD
glcd_text57(10, 10, ABC,1, ON);
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 Posts: 151 Location: Grayson, GA
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:42 am |
That looks correct enough. I used the TRIS registers to set up the input/output pins so you may want to try that as well.
The voltage at pin 3 should be initially adjusted to -3.0 Volts, when referenced to ground. If this is not close the screen will "appear" to be blank.
Make sure that the pot is adjusted for that voltage first. |
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