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WOW - I must have died and gone to heaven

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WOW - I must have died and gone to heaven
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:06 pm     Reply with quote

From Microchip's Forum

MPLAB IDE v7.41 interim release is released to the Microchip web page and will soon be available on the Microchip web site at
For ongoing projects which do not need new device support or these new features, it is recommended that the version of MPLAB IDE for current projects remain unchanged.

* KeeLoq plug-in generates hex files from MPLAB IDE for KeeLoq programming in Visual PROCMD
* AN851-compliant "Quick Programmer" for PIC18 devices (beta) supports bootloader programming via MPLAB IDE as detailed in Microchip Application Note AN851
* The Data Monitor and Control Interface (DMCI) to fine-tune variables while the application is running
* The Project Manager now displays symbols and labels from the assembler
* The Project Manager can use files outside the project directory structure to be included in projects using relative paths
* CodeGuardTM security for 16-bit device�s on-chip advanced code protection features
* A free CCS PCB compiler is now included with MPLAB
* New device support - check the README files for full details
Regards, Andrew
Home of Ethernet, SD card and Encrypted Serial Bootloaders for PICs!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:27 pm     Reply with quote

Noooo... heaven will arrive when pcwh 4.0 arrives Smile

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:47 am     Reply with quote

I agree with Andrew, version 7.41 is very nice !!! The Microchip IDE is becoming a very feature packed IDE.

They just need to fix the small user interface issues like trying to select a character in the source edit window doesn't always highlight the right one !!! Other nice-to-have is allowing you to change the watch window value display type (i.e. Hex, Decdimal,ASCII, etc) using the right-click context menu instead of having to go through properties every time and making all the windows dockable like Visual Studio.

Anyway, not really CCS but I thought i'd say it.

It is nice to see a preview of the new V4 CCS Compiler Help format available through the Project->Help menu.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:33 am     Reply with quote

Noooo... heaven will arrive when pcwh 4.0 arrives (cheaper & bugs free!)


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:51 am     Reply with quote

With the new help file, check out #export. This is new isn't it. Talks about linking! ??

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:03 am     Reply with quote

Linking, is one of the intended features for V4. This was 'announced' quite a long time ago. A few 'parts' have started to appear in the latter 3.2xx releases (the 'extern' keyword in particular).
Like Humberto, feel that if V4, makes as many changes as promised, I'd not be suprised if it is quite a long time, before a well 'working' version really appears. I am hoping that the pause over the last few months, does reflect some real testing and QA...

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:05 am     Reply with quote

I am to be a Beta tester for V4
And we are not set up yet.. it will be some time.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:59 am     Reply with quote

I hope the result is worth it. Very Happy
As a minor comment though, there have been a number of bugs found in 3.249, especially with regard to the 'J' series chips, and though concentrating on the new version, is understandable, people who have paid for support, might well be beginning to get a little 'miffed' that known bugs are not being fixed at all Crying or Very sad

Best Wishes

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:26 pm     Reply with quote

Version 4 isn't coming out, don't be silly.

Wish it was though, I really need pointer to const/rom

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:31 pm     Reply with quote

As a 'comment', you do realise you can have a pointer to const/ROM, using typemod?.
Provided you are using a modern flash chip, that supports read and write of the ROM, you can use the typemod directive to link to these functions, and then access a section of the ROM, as if it was external memory, with the ability to use pointers to this. It is a slightly 'bulky' workround, but then the space needed for individual access routines for each constant declaration is saved, so it can be worthwhile. Declaring the data for inclusion in the compiled chip, is a bit 'messy', but it does work. This has to rate as one of the most 'undocumented' features of the compiler at present...

Best Wishes
Darren Rook

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:31 pm     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
As a 'comment', you do realise you can have a pointer to const/ROM, using typemod?.
Provided you are using a modern flash chip, that supports read and write of the ROM, you can use the typemod directive to link to these functions, and then access a section of the ROM, as if it was external memory, with the ability to use pointers to this. It is a slightly 'bulky' workround, but then the space needed for individual access routines for each constant declaration is saved, so it can be worthwhile. Declaring the data for inclusion in the compiled chip, is a bit 'messy', but it does work. This has to rate as one of the most 'undocumented' features of the compiler at present...

Good catch. Not completely perfect since you can't use & to get the address of your constant. You can use the function label_address() instead.

Also, you don't have to assign a write function when using typemod.
I came, I saw, I compiled.
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