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Bill T. Guest
Graphic LCD suggestions - off topic |
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:50 pm |
Hello all -
Sorry to be off-topic, but wondered if the group can suggest a graphics LCD for interfacing to a 16F877 PIC. B&W is OK, and I would like to plot a time series of data, maybe something on the order of 30 or so x and y pairs. Not quite sure what resolution/number of pixels this will require. The data to be plotted will be floating point values ranging anywhere from 0 to 100, and I think a resolution of 1 will be ok. The max. and min. of the data to be plotted can be used to expand the display to take advantage of all of the vertical pixels.
Of course, ease of interfacing and cost is of paramount importance. Suggestions, things to be aware of, good/bad experiences appreciated.
Thanks very much,
Bill |
Futureatwork Guest
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:24 pm |
I saw some people using nokia phone displays, they are 96x62pixels I think.
www.picbasic.org/forum has some code to start but you will have to port to C. |
Joined: 12 Nov 2003 Posts: 563 Location: Lawrence, KS USA
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:12 pm |
Not the cheapest solution but may be the simplest, Scott Edwards Electronics sells two serially interfaced graphic LCDs.
G12864 128x64 pixel
G12032 120x32 pixel _________________ Rob Young
The Screw-Up Fairy may just visit you but he has crashed on my couch for the last month! |
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 659 Location: Sydney, Australia
Joined: 16 Oct 2003 Posts: 11 Location: Arkansas, USA
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:23 pm |
Don't know what your budget is but I did a medical project with this product:
It required multiple menus and graphics. Am pretty satisfied. _________________ Sergio |
Joined: 24 Jun 2004 Posts: 1912
t6963c controller chip |
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:31 am |
If you end up opting for a graphical lcd with the t6963c controller chip, the following code will help you out. I started with some code that I think I got from here, and I modified it quite a bit. I'm using a varitronix MGLS-24064 240x64 display, which is less than $90 CDN from digikey. Really quite reasonable, really.
The hookup is really easy - you only need 8 data lines, and an additional 4 control lines: /WR, /RD, C/D (command/data), and /RESET. There is a document regarding the 6963 chip somewhere on the 'net that says that you also need to hook up the /CE signal, but you don't. Just tie it to ground, along with the FS pin (font select), which will give you 8x8 sized spaces for characters (the characters are always 5x7, regardless of the state of the FS pin).
The only function of the display that I haven't implemented is the user-defined characters in the text mode.
Most of the 240x64 displays come with 8k RAM, which is enough for about 4 full unique displays. To quickly switch between these displays, just set the graphics home to the base address of the new screen/picture.
Anyway, here's some sample code (18F452 @ 4 MHz) that I cut & pasted from a project that I'm currently working on. That's the reason why the interrupts are enabled, but there are no interrupt routines.
Code: | #include <18F452.h>
#device *=16
#device adc=10
#use delay(clock=4000000,RESTART_WDT)
//// ////
//// This file contains drivers for using a Tosiba T6963C controller ////
//// in parallel/8080(intel) mode. The T6963C is 240 pixels across ////
//// and 64 pixels down. The driver treats the upper left pixel 0,0 ////
//// ////
//// Connections are as follows: ////
//// /WR - - C4 ////
//// /RD - - C5 ////
//// C//D- - C6 ////
//// /RST- - C7 ////
//// DATA0-7 PORTD0-7 ////
//// LCD's FS is tied low (FS = 0 is 8x8 font) ////
//// ////
// 240 x 64 in the 8x8 font mode means that 30 characters across by
// 8 rows of characters may be displayed
#define set_tris_lcd(x) set_tris_d(x)
//TRIS DataBus=x, note:control bus (PORTC) always outputs
const int16 TextHome = 0x0780;
const int8 TextArea = 0x001E; // how many bytes before a new line
const int16 GraphicsHome = 0x0000;
const int8 GraphicsArea = 0x001E; // how many bytes before a new line
const int8 AutoModeWrite = 0xB0;
const int8 AutoModeRead = 0xB1;
const int8 AutoModeReset = 0xB2;
const int8 LCDModeSet = 0x80; // send this OR'd with the following
const int8 LCDMode_OR = 0b0000;
const int8 LCDMode_XOR = 0b0001;
const int8 LCDMode_AND = 0b0010;
const int8 LCDMode_TA = 0b0100; // TEXT ATTRIBUTE mode.
const int8 LCDMode_RAM = 0b1000; // 1=CG RAM, 0=internal CG ROM
const int8 LCDSetCursorPtr = 0x21; // cursor address
const int8 LCDSetCursorSize = 0xA0; // 1 line cursor
const int8 LCDDispMode = 0x90; // send this OR'd with the following
const int8 LCDDisp_BLK = 0b0001;
const int8 LCDDisp_CUR = 0b0010;
const int8 LCDDisp_TXT = 0b0100;
const int8 LCDDisp_GRH = 0b1000;
struct lcd_pin_def
BOOLEAN unused1; // C0
BOOLEAN unused2; // C1
BOOLEAN unused3; // C2
BOOLEAN unused4; // C3
BOOLEAN w_bar; // C4 Write bar active low
BOOLEAN r_bar; // C5 Read bar active low
BOOLEAN cd; // C6 Command/Data BAR 1=command 0=data
BOOLEAN reset_bar; // C7 Reset active low
int data : 8; // PortD=Data bus
struct lcd_pin_def LCD;
#byte LCD = 0xf82 // portC address on 18F452
int glcd_ReadByte(void);
void glcd_WriteByte(int1 cd, int data);
void glcd_WriteByteAuto(int data);
void glcd_WriteCmd2(int16 data, int cmd);
void glcd_WriteCmd1(int data, int cmd);
void glcd_gotoxy(int x, int y, int1 text);
void glcd_init(void) {
int16 counter;
set_tris_lcd(0xff); //TRIS DATA bus,note:control bus always outputs
LCD.r_bar = 1; //
LCD.cd = 1; // command
LCD.reset_bar = 0; // perform a reset
delay_us(10); // delay for a reset
LCD.reset_bar = 1; // run
// Set up the graphics and text areas
glcd_WriteCmd2(TextHome, 0x40);
glcd_WriteCmd2(TextArea, 0x41);
glcd_WriteCmd2(GraphicsHome, 0x42);
glcd_WriteCmd2(GraphicsArea, 0x43);
// set address to 0
glcd_WriteCmd2(0x0000, 0x24);
glcd_WriteCmd2(0x0000, 0x24);
// Clear all RAM of LCD (8k)
glcd_WriteByte(1, AutoModeWrite);
for (counter = 0; counter < 0x1fff; counter++)
glcd_WriteByteAuto(0); // fill everything with zeros
glcd_WriteByte(1, AutoModeReset);
void glcd_WriteByte(int1 cd, int data)
int status = 0, temp = 0;
LCD.w_bar = 1;
LCD.r_bar= 1;
LCD.cd = 1;//defaults
while (status != 0x03) { // is LCD busy?
LCD.r_bar= 0;
temp = LCD.data;
LCD.r_bar = 1;
status = temp & 0x03;
set_tris_lcd(0x00); // All outputs
LCD.cd = cd; // Command/Data bar
LCD.data = data;
LCD.r_bar = 1; // not read
LCD.w_bar = 0; // write
LCD.w_bar = 1; // release
void glcd_WriteByteAuto(int data)
int status = 0, temp = 0; // status bits ARE DIFFERENT BITS THAN NORMAL
LCD.w_bar = 1;
LCD.r_bar = 1;
LCD.r_bar_bot = 1;
LCD.cd = 1; // defaults
while (status != 0x08) { // is LCD busy?
LCD.r_bar = 0;
temp = LCD.data;
LCD.r_bar = 1;
status = temp & 0x08;
set_tris_lcd(0x00); // All outputs
LCD.cd = 0; // This is always data, cd=0
LCD.data = data; // Put data on data bus
LCD.w_bar = 0; // write
LCD.w_bar = 1; // release
void glcd_WriteCmd1(int data, int cmd)
glcd_WriteByte(0, data);
glcd_WriteByte(1, cmd);
void glcd_WriteCmd2(int16 data, int cmd)
glcd_WriteByte(0, data & 0xff);
glcd_WriteByte(0, data>>8);
glcd_WriteByte(1, cmd);
int glcd_ReadByte(void)
int data = 0, status = 0, temp = 0;
LCD.w_bar = 1;
LCD.r_bar = 1;
LCD.cd = 1; // defaults
while (status != 0x03) { // is LCD busy?
LCD.r_bar = 0;
temp = LCD.data;
LCD.r_bar = 1;
status = temp & 0x03;
LCD.cd = 0; // Command/Data bar
LCD.r_bar = 0; // read
data = LCD.data;
LCD.r_bar = 1;
LCD.cd = 1;
return data; // Return the read data
void glcd_putc(char c) {
glcd_WriteCmd1(c - 0x20, 0xc0);
void glcd_gotoxy(int x, int y, int1 text) { // sets memory location to screen location x, y
// location 1,1 is upper left corner; text = 1 (text area), text = 0 (graphics area)
int16 location, home;
int line;
if (!text) {
home = GraphicsHome;
line = GraphicsArea;
else {
home = TextHome;
line = TextArea;
location = home + (((int16)y - 1) * line) + x - 1;
glcd_WriteCmd2(location, 0x24);
#use fast_io(D)
void main() {
set_tris_c(0x00); // graphic lcd control lines all output
glcd_WriteByte(1, (LCDModeSet|LCDMode_XOR));
glcd_WriteByte(1, (LCDDispMode|LCDDisp_TXT|LCDDisp_GRH));
} |
The above code will initialize the graphic lcd. If you wanted to display "Hi there" beginning at screen location column 4, row 3, then these two commands will do that:
Code: | glcd_gotoxy(4,3,1); // 1 = text area of memory; note that there are only
// 8 rows of text possible
glcd_putc("Hi there"); |
If you wanted to create an 8 pixel x 8 pixel black square with the upper left corner of the square located at 9 pixels in from the left, and 43 pixels down from the top, then this code will do that:
Code: | int n;
for (n = 0; n< 8; n++) {
glcd_gotoxy(2,43+n,0); // 0 = graphics memory area; note that there
// are still 30 columns (30 x 8 pixels = 240), but now there are now 64
// rows so pixel location 9,43 translates into column 2, row 43. A little
// confusing, I know, but that's the way it works.
} |
Hope this helps. |
Joined: 12 Sep 2003 Posts: 46 Location: South Coast - England
Nokia 3310 LCD |
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:27 am |
Hi Bill,
I have not tryed them yet but there are 2 Nokia LCD that look very easy to drive.
3310 LCD for B&W
6610 LCD for Colour
I have data sheets on my website. _________________ Lucky
www.mpic3.com - MPIC3 player project, Forum, Downloads, Online Shop |
Joined: 23 Jan 2004 Posts: 1094 Location: Appleton,WI USA
Joined: 24 Jun 2004 Posts: 1912
Hope you don't mind... |
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:20 am |
Sorry about modifying your code without giving you credit, but I couldn't find the original post I pulled the code from when I posted this. Hope you don't mind.
Anyway, I'll move the code to the code library, as per your suggestion. |
Joined: 23 Jan 2004 Posts: 1094 Location: Appleton,WI USA
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:51 pm |
No problem. |
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