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sd_mmc & PCD
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 1:41 am     Reply with quote

kmp84 wrote:
OK, Ehaa..

This corrections also not enough to use ex_fat.c

I had forgotten what a pain it is to use a CCS compiler and their drivers. Maybe I should forget for logging to SD card. (Just returned to it because has a ready hardware for may current project:)). This CCS's drivers come in the begin with compiler and still not ready Shocked .

Many thanks mr.'Ttelmah' for your help Smile

Best Wishes

I have looked at your posted schematic and there are a few issues with it. Here is a troubleshooting guide that covers these issues:

Here is an example for a PIC24 implementing the recommendations from the troubleshooting guide. This has also been used with the dsPIC33EP512MU810 which is the chip you are using.

Referring to your schematic, as already mentioned by others, the pull-ups are too high. For a 3.3V controller they should be 10K or less. You should also have a pull-up on both the MOSI and MISO.

There should also be a low ESR capacitor, tantalum of ceramic (22uF) as close as possible to the power pins of the sd card. Similarly a 100nF ceramic as close to the power pins as possible.

Not mentions in the guide is the importance of correct PCB layout of the traces. This is an issue for high SPI clock speeds. When prototyping try setting the SPI clock high speed at 8MHz or lower. Once you have debugged your software you can then try at the higher speed.

A 1GB card implies the card will be formatted with FAT12 or FAT16. Put the card in a camera and format it. Why? because some formatting software simply reinitialises the data structure on the card whereas a camera usually replaces the data structures.

For a 1GB card, make sure your driver supports at least FAT16. Quality 1GB cards are hard to get these days and usually cost more than a 4GB card. Try using a 4GB card.
Regards, Andrew
Home of Ethernet, SD card and Encrypted Serial Bootloaders for PICs!!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:36 am     Reply with quote

Hello mr."asmallri",

I did all these hardware fixes you and mr."tt" talk about but it still doesn't work.

I know that here is not correct to tell, but I have used long time "espressif" chips for that purpose and have no trouble for nothing and also works with all SD card types.

But this is a place only for CCS & PIC micro, not for advertising or other commercial purposes.

Best Regards,
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