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Topic: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Replies: 11
Views: 13836
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:22 pm Subject: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
I found the #case statement I left it alone as who know why it is there in the first place.
I have fixed all of the errors and now it works fine thanks again
Matt |
Topic: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Replies: 11
Views: 13836
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:06 pm Subject: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Thanks Let me try that.
I don't understand how the case sensitive is only on this project because this driver works as is for other projects.
Matt |
Topic: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Replies: 11
Views: 13836
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:39 pm Subject: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
the problem is not with TCP. If I take out the MMC card driver it compiles OK and TCP works with out a problem. When I added the MMC driver I get
*** Error 12 "F:\MMC WEB SERVER\Example Code ... |
Topic: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Replies: 11
Views: 13836
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:02 pm Subject: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Thank you I have fixed the file I posted.
I have also proven SPI to work in 4.042 but I cannot get it to work with the TCP module.
I figure that there is some thing left in there for the ENC28 ... |
Topic: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
Replies: 11
Views: 13836
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:28 pm Subject: Undefined identifier SPI_READ |
I am trying to use a PIC18f67j60 to make a simple http server. I want to store the webpage on a MMC card and am having difficulty. The ethernet port tion of my board works and the MMC card works. B ... |
Topic: problem with printf using PIC16F687 - garbage on RS232 |
Replies: 16
Views: 22630
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:16 pm Subject: problem with printf using PIC16F687 - garbage on RS232 |
Chances are you oscillator setting are incorrect. In fact in your header file you have selected RC with 20 mhz it should be HS
#FUSES RC //Resistor/Capacitor Osc with CLKOU ... |
Topic: FAT32 code for MultiMedia Cards |
Replies: 66
Views: 547161
Forum: Code Library Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:29 pm Subject: can't get this to work |
I am having a problem getting this to work. The problem is it will not compile due to the SSPBUF on the MMC routines. I tried to switch this to SPI_WRITE read etc. but I am having no luck. The FAT1 ... |
Topic: UART XMIT and RCV? |
Replies: 21
Views: 26320
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:03 pm Subject: UART XMIT and RCV? |
I do believe that this is impossible. When you enable the uart it enables both the TX uart and RX uart. and it is an inverted drive hence why the pin is high. my suggestion is use a different pin. ... |
Topic: RS232 rcv problem |
Replies: 1
Views: 5065
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:16 pm Subject: RS232 rcv problem |
what interface from this page are you using?? mosfet, max232 ?? Your code looks ok. If you can read input on your PC screen then the oscilator is working ok. I would get a scope and check pin B7 an ... |
Topic: Options for waking up a 16LF877A while in sleep() mode? |
Replies: 7
Views: 8199
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:08 pm Subject: Options for waking up a 16LF877A while in sleep() mode? |
you should look at RB4 - RB7. These pins can be configured to create an interupt on there state change this should wake up the micro. |
Topic: Options for waking up a 16LF877A while in sleep() mode? |
Replies: 7
Views: 8199
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:21 am Subject: Options for waking up a 16LF877A while in sleep() mode? |
you could use the watchdog timer to wake up the micro every so often to check you push button. You will sacrifice you sleep current a bit though |
Topic: Smart LCD usage |
Replies: 2
Views: 5874
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:17 am Subject: Smart LCD usage |
I have used many LCDD screens in my designs. I agree with you that you do not want to store the messages in ram. You want to define them as a constant like this.
const char menu1[ ... |
Topic: How to convert UTC timestamp into time string |
Replies: 2
Views: 5319
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:09 pm Subject: How to convert UTC timestamp into time string |
You need to provide more info for this. Are hours, Min, sec, etc... in seperate varibles?
if so it is easy
char timestamp[13];
sprintf(timestamp,"%LU%02U%02U%02U%02U&qu ... |
Topic: Ethernet or Internet prototyping board |
Replies: 6
Views: 10468
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:04 pm Subject: Ethernet or Internet prototyping board |
The ethernet board should work just fine. The problem is the new version 4 comiler. Seeing it is a new major release it is very buggy (check out the v4 sticky at the top of the post). Both boards s ... |
Topic: nested switch question |
Replies: 4
Views: 7847
Forum: General CCS C Discussion Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:44 pm Subject: nested switch question |
I really frown on goto statements how about this
void myfunction()
short ex = 0;
switch (j)
case 1: switch (k)
... |